Cheers quotes

515 total quotes

Cliff: No, kale's more of a family of greens. Anything with a pungent aroma and a loose head can be called kale.
Carla: Get you another beer, kale?

Cliff: Normy, come on, will you? The buddy of ours is on the ledge, he's about to jump to his death. Let's go!
Norm: Jeez, you're right. I'd better go move my car.

Cliff: Oh, hey. Did you notice the pool on the way in?
Woody: Yeah.
[Norm chuckles]
Cliff: So when summer rolls around and all those girls are out there in their French-cut bikinis, I don't have to tell you where I'll be.
Norm: Standing right here with a pair of binoculars?
Cliff: That's right.

Cliff: Pardon my appearance everybody.
Rebecca: We always do. Sorry I was covering for Carla.

Cliff: So, how's the career going, Nick? Last time we chatted you were talking about marketing some kind of slot machine for the home.
Nick: Oh, yeah... "Flush and Win." It was a great idea. The only problem is the people had a difficult time retrieving their change

Cliff: Sometimes I'm ashamed God made me a man.
Carla: I don't think God's doing a whole lot of bragging about it either.

Cliff: The Hindus believe that what you come back as depends upon your behavior in this life. If you led a good life, you come back in an elevated state.
Coach: Like Colorado?
Cliff: No, Coach. Uh, more like a king or a prince. Conversely, if you've not led a good life, you come back in a more lowly condition.
Norm: [chuckling] Last time around, I must have made a real ass out of myself.

Cliff: The only real hurdle left is Ma. It's very traumatic when the woman you love more than anything else is the world meets your significant other.
Norm: Which would be which, Cliff?
Cliff: Now you see my problem.

Cliff: There's a lovely young thing. Perhaps I should just go and make my move.
Carla: Yeah go ahead and faint.

Cliff: These are your golden years.
Ma Clavin: Oh, bless your heart. You've given me what every mother dreams of: a tastefully furnished room in which to die among strangers.

Cliff: Today marks the beginning of my seventh year as a United States postal carrier.
Norm: Woody, I think that calls for a little drink on the house. What do you think?
Woody: I think you're right, Mr. Peterson.
Norm: What the hell, give Cliffie one too.

Cliff: Was it my imagination or was that woman coming on to me?
Norm: Cliffie, Walt Disney should've had your imagination.

Cliff: Well Carla, it is common knowledge I'm scientifically handy. As a matter of fact I spent a good part of my youth in a laboratory.
Carla: And you'd still be there today if the chimpanzee hadn't taught you how to open your cage.

Cliff: Well that Paul, is the history of Western Civilization in a nutshell. You were right to come to me.
Paul: I didn't come to you, Cliff. I was waiting to use the phone.

Cliff: What do you say, Norm? For of us toolin' down old mother road, getting in touch with the old hairy man mobile.
Norm: I don't know. I don't think I can handle sitting still for six hours a day.
Cliff: It might be more like 20.
Norm: Oh then I'm in.