Married... with Children quotes

396 total quotes

[Al is going into the basement.]
Al: Say "cheese." Hello! [fires twice with his rifle]

[Everyone but Al is singing "You Are My Sunshine."]
Peg: Just the boys.
Bud and Uncle Irwin: Please don't take my sunshine away.
Peg: Just the girls.
Kelly and Uncle Otto: You'll never know, dear...

[Marcy and Steve are impersonating the Bundys on the TV game show]
Steve: So, you stole our mail and our names, huh?
Peg: How'd you find out?
Steve: Your kids sold you out for a square meal.
[Kelly and Bud are shown in the TV studio audience munching on junk food]

[The radio plays during a view of the empty Bundy household.]
Announcer: And on a local note, tragedy was narrowly averted moments ago, when a sobbing woman and her two hysterical children were talked down from a ledge on the Sears Tower. It's believed to be the first family suicide attempt in Chicago history. The woman was quoted as sobbing, "Shoes! He sells shoes!"
[Al enters the house.]
Al: I'm home!