NCIS quotes

1049 total quotes

Ducky: Cellular communication, text messaging, squeaking...
Palmer: Tweeting, Doctor. Like the little yellow canary and the puddy cat. I used to love that cartoon...

Ducky: 'Cause he's no longer about method or clue-trail gamemenship, Mr. Palmer. It's about hurting those responsible for putting him in this situation.
Palmer: Situation?
Gibbs: Operation: Frankenstein.

Ducky: (talking to Ziva about a dead body that had been stabbed) Lizzie Borden took an ax and gave her mother forty whacks. When she saw what she had done, she gave her father forty-one.

Ducky: Did I ever tell you about the first case that Jethro and I worked? Two sailors capsized a recreational skiff one summer's eve; panic ensued. When they were finally located, one sailor was dead and the other severely hypothermic.
Abby: So the one sailor drowned?
Ducky: No. Rather than watch his friend slowly expire, one sailor stabbed the other, claiming that it was more humane. He was convinced that his actions were justified.
Abby: Like Gibbs twenty years ago. [Ducky nods] Ducky, what if this doesn't work? What's going to happen with Gibbs?
Ducky: In 1940 Winston Churchill sat in his bunker smoking one of those majestic cigars, waiting for news that the first German bombs were decimating London. "Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duty," he said over the radio, "and so bear ourselves that, if the British Empire and its Commonwealth lasts for a thousand years, men will still say, 'This was their finest hour.'" The hour is upon us, Abby. All we can do is wait and see.

Ducky: These bruises and lascerations could be consistent with somebody hitting a target repeatedly.
Gibbs: The target was the wife, Duck. I wouldn't blame her if she did this.
Ducky: Nobody would. But that doesn't make it any less of a crime.
(Tony introduces Nick Miller, the boy whole charged McGee's credit card illegally)

EJ: [looking at Cobb sitting in interrogation] This isn't right. It's too easy.
Tony: He knows where Ziva is. There's nothing easy about it.
EJ: Cobb's playing us.
Tony: Playing Leroy Jethro Gibbs? The guy must have a death wish.
EJ: What does he want?
Tony: Rule 16: If someone thinks they have the upper hand, break it.

EJ: Why didn't he kill me? I was fighting like hell, but why didn't he do it right there?
Tony: You were a message, not a victim. Consider yourself lucky.
EJ: Levin's dead. Cade may not make it. They were my responsibility. Where exactly is the luck in that? You think Gibbs would have let Cobb leave Europe? You think any of this would have happened if anybody else had been leading the case.
Tony: Stop beating yourself up. We've all lost people in the field. You're a good agent.
EJ: Am I?

Eli David: I was summoned. Vance's review of the international case-files, and his request for contributions from every NCIS director.
Gibbs: Not every director.
Eli David: No. Not Jenny Shepard. She was truly responsible for bringing our organizations together, and for bringing my daughter into your life, but I am not here for her.
Gibbs: For Ziva.
Eli David: Yes.
Gibbs: You're not here for Ziva. She has a name.
Eli David: I am aware. I gave it to her.

Eli: There have been times I felt this job take a piece of me. Where I worried it might be gone forever.
Ziva: Sometimes life surprises you.
Eli: Those are the moments worth living for, my Ziva. [kisses her forehead]

Franks: Who the hell are all these people?
Abby: Oh. These are the new guys! Gibbs didn't tell you?
Franks: Man of few words.
Abby: I've noticed.

Franks: [Gibbs reads a letter from Franks] Too many years of lighting up finally caught up with me, probie.For 3 decades, I outran every bullet aimed at me. Can't out run this - not with this lungs. Only got a few months left to go. And I plan to live 'em.
Gibbs: Never one to dissapoint. Were you, Mike?

Gibbs: [telling Abby and McGee how he recognized a possible suspect's picture] Rule number 35.
Abby and McGee: [look at each other and smile] Always watch the watchers.

Gibbs: [kisses Abby's cheek] Thank you, Abs.
Dr. Walter Magnus: He -- he just kissed her.
Ducky: Consider it an innocent gesture of endearment.

Gibbs: Hey! That was my Danish!

Gibbs: Rule number nine.
Vance: How did you get that by security?
Gibbs: Never go anywhere without a knife.