Beavis and Butt-Head quotes

1300 total quotes

Butt-head: Boy, this is horrible.
Beavis: Um...don't say that, Butt-head. I kinda feel sorry for these guys.
Butt-head: Yeah.

Butt-head: Boy, this really sucks. [changes the channel]

Butt-head: By the way, this video really sucks, Beavis.
Beavis: Yeah, really. Tell me something I don't--uh, I mean, this sucks!
Shudder to Think, Hit Liquor

Butt-head: Call now for live one-on-one conversations.
Beavis: Yeah. Share your intimate thoughts!
Butt-head: A dollar ninety-five per minute.
Beavis: Must be 18 or older.
Butt-head: Hey Beavis. If we had a dollar ninety-five , we could call and share our intimate thoughts.
Beavis: Yeah. We could tell her that she sucks.

Butt-head: Check it out! Her guitar's broken.
Beavis: Oh yeah. They should like, break more guitars.
Butt-head: Uh...yeah!
Beavis: They should break that escalator too. That would rule.

Butt-head: Check it out! Hole!
Beavis: Oh yeah! Who are these guys, Butt-head?
Butt-head: Uh...this is Hole, Beavis. Who did you think I was talking about?
Beavis: Oh! I thought you were talking about her bunghole.
Butt-head: You dumbass.
Beavis: Yeah. Hole!

Butt-head: Check it out, he's got a face painted on his stomach.
Beavis: If I was in them, I'd paint a butt on my stomach. And then my bellybutton would be the butthole.
Butt-head: Yeah, but you could just, like, you know, show your real butt, and it would be faster and, like, more realistic. Dumbass.
Beavis: No, no. I don't think you understand what I'm saying. I'd paint the butt on my stomach, see...
Butt-head: Beavis, you're going to have about four buttholes if you don't shut up.
Beavis: It's not my fault if you don't understand, Butt-head! Dumbass!
Del Amitri, Roll To Me

Butt-head: Check it out, she's horny. Chicks get that look when like, I talk to them and stuff.
Beavis: Yeah, and then they just leave.
Helmet, Unsung

Butt-head: Check it out, the Doctor's stealing a plane.
Beavis: Like, what do you do with a plane once you stole it?.
Butt-head: I guess you, like, go to the flea market or something.
Beavis: Oh really? But then, what do you do when someone says "So, where did you get this plane?"
Butt-head: I'd be like "Well, I got it from the airport." Cause they have a store there.
Beavis: Ah shut up, Butt-head. Keep that up and I'm gonna put the smackdown on yo' ass, beotch!
Butt-head: What did you say, Beavis?
Beavis: I said "Shut up". I'm gonna put the smackdown on yo' ass, beotch!
Butt-head: Beavis, your mom is a depraved worthless slut.
Beavis: Oh, yeah.
Dog Eat Dog, No Front

Butt-head: Check it out, they do this really cool dance coming up here.
Beavis: Oh, really? Cool. Is that it?
Butt-head: No, that's just hockey.

Butt-head: Check it out, this trick rules! It's like we ring the door bell and then we run away.
Beavis: Yeah yeah, OK.
Man at the door: Yeah?
Beavis: We tricked him.
Butt-head: He's probably like "uhh, there is nobody here. I wonder who did that."
Man at the door: Hey, what the hell is wrong with you two. Do that again I'll kick your ass.
Beavis: Hey Butt-head, did we do that right?
Butt-head: Eeeh, I don't know. Maybe we're supposed to like run away before anyone opens the door. Let's try it again.
Beavis: Yeah, this is gonna be cool.
Butt-head: So like, this time remember to run away before they come to the door.
Beavis: Ooi, OK. "before." That was cool!
Butt-head: Yeah! They're gonna be pissed.
Beavis: Uhhm, nobody is coming out, Butt-head.
Butt-head: Maybe whoever lives there has like a broken leg or something and it takes long time to get to the door.
Beavis: Yeah, that will be pretty cool!
Butt-head: Yeah!
Beavis: Hey, Butt-head, let's ring it again!
Butt-head: Eeeh, OK.
Beavis: Let me ring it.
Butt-head: No way, Beavis. You rang it last time.
Beavis: No way. You did dill-hole!
Butt-head: Uhh, wait a minute. Uhh, I think we forgot to ring the door bell, Beavis.
Beavis: Dammit, this is really hard, Butt-head!
Butt-head: Yeah but it's cool once you get it right. Come on.
Man at the door: What do you want? What? What are you doin'?
Beavis: Did you see that? That was pretty cool!
Butt-head: Beavis, you screwed it up again! You're supposed to run before he comes to the door.
Beavis: No, dammit! I don't know when he's gonna come to the door. This sucks!
Butt-head: Dumbass!
Neighbour Woman: Where are you goin'?
Neighbour Woman's Husband: The neighbours asked if I pick up their mail while they're away on vacation.
Butt-head: Hey, Beavis. I hope whoever lives here is like taking a dump.
Beavis: He gotta run to the door.
Butt-head: Dammit, what the hell is taking so long!
Beavis: Yeah really, let's do it again. What's wrong with these people?
Butt-head: I don't know. They must be stupid.
Beavis: Are you sure we get it right this time?
Butt-head: Eeh, yeah.
[The family living there just arrives their house.]

Butt-head: Check it out. It's like he pulls his hair out of his eyes, but then it just falls back in his eyes.
Beavis: So what? You got a problem with that?
Butt-head: Yeah.

Butt-head: Check it out. That drummer dude is surrounded by a bunch of naked dudes.

Butt-head: Check out that dude in the dress. He's groovin'.
Beavis: [the lead singer can be seen looking at the crotches of several shirtless men] Whoa, check it out, Butt-head, she's inspecting their nads.
Butt-head: Yeah. You call those nads, sir? Drop and give me twenty!
Beavis: Yeah, back in line!

Butt-head: Check out those hats.
Beavis: Those are cool. You can stack one inside the other and you can have like all different colors, you know? It's like you can wear one one day and another the other day and like put 'em on your head y'know? And they can like protect you from like harmful rays.
Butt-head: Beavis, you're a damn weirdo.
Beavis: Shut up, Butt-head. I'm not from here, you know.
Dink, Green Mind