Butt-head: Check it out, this trick rules! It's like we ring the door bell and then we run away.
Beavis: Yeah yeah, OK.
Man at the door: Yeah?
Beavis: We tricked him.
Butt-head: He's probably like "uhh, there is nobody here. I wonder who did that."
Man at the door: Hey, what the hell is wrong with you two. Do that again I'll kick your ass.
Beavis: Hey Butt-head, did we do that right?
Butt-head: Eeeh, I don't know. Maybe we're supposed to like run away before anyone opens the door. Let's try it again.
Beavis: Yeah, this is gonna be cool.
Butt-head: So like, this time remember to run away before they come to the door.
Beavis: Ooi, OK. "before." That was cool!
Butt-head: Yeah! They're gonna be pissed.
Beavis: Uhhm, nobody is coming out, Butt-head.
Butt-head: Maybe whoever lives there has like a broken leg or something and it takes long time to get to the door.
Beavis: Yeah, that will be pretty cool!
Butt-head: Yeah!
Beavis: Hey, Butt-head, let's ring it again!
Butt-head: Eeeh, OK.
Beavis: Let me ring it.
Butt-head: No way, Beavis. You rang it last time.
Beavis: No way. You did dill-hole!
Butt-head: Uhh, wait a minute. Uhh, I think we forgot to ring the door bell, Beavis.
Beavis: Dammit, this is really hard, Butt-head!
Butt-head: Yeah but it's cool once you get it right. Come on.
Man at the door: What do you want? What? What are you doin'?
Beavis: Did you see that? That was pretty cool!
Butt-head: Beavis, you screwed it up again! You're supposed to run before he comes to the door.
Beavis: No, dammit! I don't know when he's gonna come to the door. This sucks!
Butt-head: Dumbass!
Neighbour Woman: Where are you goin'?
Neighbour Woman's Husband: The neighbours asked if I pick up their mail while they're away on vacation.
Butt-head: Hey, Beavis. I hope whoever lives here is like taking a dump.
Beavis: He gotta run to the door.
Butt-head: Dammit, what the hell is taking so long!
Beavis: Yeah really, let's do it again. What's wrong with these people?
Butt-head: I don't know. They must be stupid.
Beavis: Are you sure we get it right this time?
Butt-head: Eeh, yeah.
[The family living there just arrives their house.]

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