Dexter quotes

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Dexter: [voiceover] Blood. Sometimes it sets my teeth on edge. Other times it helps me control the chaos.

Dexter: [voiceover] Born in blood. Both of us.

Dexter: [voiceover] But if you play a role long enough, really commit, does it become real? Could I become real?

Dexter: [voiceover] Despite having considered myself a monster for as long as I can remember, it still comes as a shock when I am confronted with the depth of evil that exists in this world.

Dexter: [voiceover] Doakes said I had two choices: kill him or let him go. But he neglected to look behind Door Number 3. Hand him over to the FBI, gift-wrapped. I don't need Doakes dead, I just need his fingerprints to complete my framejob.

Dexter: [voiceover] Fast reflexes. I hate jocks.
[Joe is on Dexter's table]

Dexter: [voiceover] Finding a needle in a haystack isn't hard when every straw is computerized.

Dexter: [voiceover] Hand-holding. So simple, so intimate, so ... uncomfortable.

Dexter: [voiceover] Harry tried to mold me in the image of the monster he thought I was. He told me to flee human connection. So that became a way of life for me. When I couldn't run, I put up barriers to protect myself. And to protect others from me. [Later, after they have made love, as they lie in each other's arms] But with Lumen, I'm someone different. In her eyes, I'm not a monster at all.

Dexter: [voiceover] Harry was a great cop here in Miami. He taught me how to think like one; he taught me how to cover my tracks. I'm a very neat monster.

Dexter: [voiceover] Harry's heart gave out when he saw what's inside me. He thought he could tame it, give it a purpose, help it find a place in the natural order. Guess he was wrong.

Dexter: [voiceover] Harry's right. I have to convince Lumen to do what I never could: to move on.

Dexter: [voiceover] Here I am, paradox personified. Taking life, creating life.

Dexter: [voiceover] I always thought hardening arteries squeezed the life out of my father. But it was me. Harry gazed into the eyes of his creation and saw evil, pure and simple. My evil. It killed him.
Doakes: That shit about your father. You wanna talk about it?
Dexter: About what? That my life is one tragic mistake?
Doakes: We've all felt that at one time or another. I know I have.
Dexter: Did you happen to be stuffing a human leg into a garbage bag at that point?

Dexter: [voiceover] I can kill a man, dismember his body, and be home in time for Letterman. But knowing what to say when my girlfriend's feeling insecure ... I'm totally lost.