Dexter quotes

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Addict: I don't need them for the pain anymore. I just ... need them.
Dexter: [thoughts] And I need duct tape. Three or four rolls. Running low on heavy duty trash bags. When's the last time I sharpened my knives?

Addict: I'd kill for a Vicodin.
Dexter: [thoughts] Lightweight.

Angel: [laying a hand on Dexter's shoulder; referring to the Bay Harbor Butcher] We've never been this close to this pendejo.
Dexter: [thoughts] Closer than you think, amigo.

Angel: [To Masuka] Cause you're like a retarded puppy.
Masuka: [rubs temple with middle finger at Angel]

Angel: Why did the killer cut 'em up like this?
Masuka: Easy disposal.
Debra: Or for fun. You don't kill this many people because it's a chore. You do it because you like it.

Angel: You want me to knock on some doors?
Doakes: Or maybe some heads?

Angel: You're the lone hold out. Every other suspect has a criminal past, and not just any criminal past. They were all linked to murder.
Woman: Oscar never murdered anybody!
Angel: Then why was he killed?
Woman: I don't know! Maybe he found out who the serial killer is!
Angel: Oh, okay. So, your husband is an engineer, and a secret crime fighter?

Debra: [drinks coffee] Oh sweet Mary mother of fuck, that's good.
Dexter: Think you might have broken a commandment somewhere in there.

Debra: Bathroom's all yours.
Dexter: Eh. Kind of always was.

Debra: I saw some buildings with "for rent" signs. I'm gonna check 'em out. Then, Chez Dexter can return to its original, museum-like quality state.
Dexter: Deb, you don't need to do this.
Debra: Yes, I do.
Dexter: You don't need to do this now.
Debra: Well, what about the video tours of eligible apartments?
Dexter: Temporary insanity.
Debra: You sure?
Dexter: No. Get out.

Debra: If dad taught us one thing, it's the value of human life.
Dexter: [voiceover] Yeah, but I think we had different homework assignments.

Debra: It's been 24 hours since I asked to be replaced.
Lundy: ... Has it?
Debra: What's taking so long? Every cop on the damn force wants in on this case. Just take your pick.
Lundy: I've been wondering about that, actually. Everyone wants on but, you want off.
Debra: I told you. I have cases.
Lundy: I don't think so.
Debra: Fuck's sake. Jesus, I don't wanna be on your task force, all right?
Lundy: Why?
Debra: Because I'm the last person in the world that should be on it. You want me to find a serial killer? I was engaged to one, for Christ's sake. What kind of cop � what kind of �
Lundy: That's why I chose you, you know. Because of what you went through. You survived. I don't know how. I can't begin to imagine the strength it took. Continues to take. More than that, you got a first hand look into the mind and heart of a killer. And you're still here. If you can accept that � really accept it � you could use it. Mix that with some of your strength and you can catch someone even worse than the Ice Truck Killer. But you have to stop running. Finish today's interviews. And if you still want out, you got it.

Debra: So he's 20 years older than me, what do you care?
Dexter: I don't. [pause] I mean, [sits down, leans close] I'm sure you wouldn't do anything like that.
Debra: What are you talking about, do anything like what?
Dexter: Like, try to sleep your way to the top.
Debra: You douche! That is so not true!
Dexter: Of course not, I shouldn't have even said anything, and I'm sure that thought would never even occur to anybody else.
Debra: Double-douche! You are not allowed to talk about anyone I date as long as you're seeing Little Miss "Pardon My Tits". I'm sorry, Dex, but she is gross. And pale, and nobody is pale in Miami. She is obviously a vampire. A gross, English, titty vampire.
Dexter: You just described the perfect woman.
Debra: [disgusted]

Debra: So, how'd your social appointment go last night?
Lundy: Oh. You know.
Debra: I took your advice.
Lundy: My advice?
Debra: Go out. Have some fun. Got laid. Big time.
Lundy: Oh. Well.
Debra: Oh. I mean, I don't usually go out to the gym and pick up strangers.
Lundy: The gym? [laughs]
Debra: Really, you have to save me here, or I'm gonna go outside and shoot myself.
Lundy: And the way you're going, you'd probably miss.
Debra: ... Thanks.
Lundy: My date was horrible. I picked her up, and I don't know Miami, of course, and I got completely lost, and she was chattering away the whole time about this Yogi master I just have to meet so by the time we even got to the restaurant I was tearing my hair out.
Debra: Oh, God. I'm sorry.
Lundy: No, it was good. It was a reminder that, uh, I shouldn't be dating.
Debra: 'Course you should be.
Lundy: No. It all comes down to simple mathematics. A really beautiful relationship is a once in a lifetime thing. And I've already had mine.

Debra: What the fuck, Dex?
Dexter: What which fuck?