Beavis and Butt-Head quotes

1300 total quotes

Butt-head: I didn't know something could kick this much ass.
Beavis: Yeah! Oh yeah, that's cool. That's wild.
[Beavis and Butt-head are both laughing hysterically]
Beavis: Ooh, she's got a bunch of arms...
Butt-head: Yeah!
Butt-head: Wow!
Beavis: That was cool!
Butt'head: That's unbelievable!
Beavis: Boy, I haven't seen a video in a while, that is really great!
Beavis: Hey Butt-head, got any more nutmeg?
Butt-head: I don't think so.
Beavis: That's okay. That's okay, man. I don't need any.
Jordy, Dur dur d'être bébé

Butt-head: I don't get it. It's supposed to pack an awesome buzz.
[Beavis spits out the toad]

Butt-head: I don't see what the big deal is about breaking up. I just, like say "Hey baby...get lost. You know, we can like...still do it and stuff but, uh, I'm gonna have to ask you to leave."
Beavis: Shut up! Here it comes! [Gordon Gano smashes the cakes with a baseball bat] YEAH!
Butt-head: Yes! See? Told you, buttmunch!
Violent Femmes, Nightmares

Butt-head: I heard that one time, this kid had a seizure at a GWAR concert, and that singer dude told everybody not to help him.
Beavis: Really? Uh oh, it's happening...[convulses as if he was having a seizure]
Butt-head: I'm not gonna help you. Oderus Urungus would want it that way.
Beavis: Thanks, Butt-head.

Butt-head: I heard these girls bang elves. Hey Beavis, would you bangle her?
Beavis: Yeah!
Battles feat. Gary Numan, My Machines [a man begins falling down an escalator]

Butt-head: I heard this dude could bench press, like, 140.
Beavis: Whoa! That's pretty good. Maybe he'll be in the 200 Club someday.

Butt-head: I heard this dude like did this whole song just by like whistling and singing and slapping his butt and stuff.
Beavis: Whoa! Really? I think I'm gonna try that.
Butt-head: Yeah. So am I. [Slaps Beavis across the face]

Butt-head: I just realized something. Being married would suck. You'd just hang around with the same person all the time, and say all the same dumb stuff over and over again. That would suck.
Beavis: Heh, yeah.
Tom Anderson: [to his wife] Hold my hand, honeybunch.
Butt-head: [to Beavis] Pull my finger, buttmunch.

Butt-head: I like it when old people let their mouths hang open, cause they don't remember to close it.
Beavis: Yeah. I think I'm gonna do that right now. [Beavis lets his jaw hang open] This feels kinda good.
Butt-head: Maybe I'll try it. [Butt-head lets his jaw hang open] This is pretty cool.

Butt-head: I liked this show better when that other dude owned the restaurant...that dude from The Karate Kid.
Beavis: Oh yeah. [Fake Japanese accent] Daniel-san, if answer come from inside you, always right!
Butt-head: Yeah. That dude could kick Fonzie's ass.
Beavis: Yeah. Fonzie doesn't even know karate.

Butt-head: I think she was in Lion King.
Beavis: Oh yeah, yeah! I like her better in this though.
Butt-head: Yeah. This rules!
[The two resume dancing]
Butt-head: It's so cold in the D...
T'Pau, Heart and Soul

Butt-head: I think the message of this video is like, that the army kicks ass.
Beavis: Yeah. "Today's army trains you with the skills you need to get ahead in today's world!"
Tripping Daisy, I Got A Girl

Butt-head: I think these guys are just lazy.
Beavis: Yeah, really. They're too lazy to rock, and they're too lazy to clean the tub.
Butt-head: These guys are so lazy, they probably take a dump in the tub.
Beavis: Heh, I do that sometimes. Poop!
Butt-head: You poop in the tub?
Beavis: Yeah. And then sometimes, I just pee all over the whole bathroom. Pee pee pee pee pee!
Butt-head: You're disgusting, Beavis!
Beavis: Heheh, yeah.
Katy Perry, Firework

Butt-head: I think they're singing about a car.
Beavis: See, that's pretty cool. If I had a really cool car, I'd sing about it too. Like [begins "singing"] My car is really fast!/It kicks a lotta ass!/um...It runs on gas!/I drive it on the grass!/um...

Butt-head: I think this chick just like, woke up or something.
Beavis: She probably doesn't start rocking until later like in the afternoon or something.
Butt-head: She probably rocks it around 4, and has a late lunch, and then she goes to the mall.
Beavis: She goes shopping for a new nightie, and then she takes a nap, and then she rocks until 3 or 4 in the morning, and then she sleeps 'till noon.
Butt-head: Yeah. Musicians rule.