Law & Order quotes

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Lionel Jackson: [testifying against a racist killer] I remember the voice of the first white man who told me not to come in his store. I remember the voice of the doctor who told me I had a healthy son. And I remember the voice of the man who took out a gun and shot me.

Little Girl:Are you the man?
Greevey: We sure are, honey.

Logan: Hey, Phil. You know that warrant you told that health club guy you'd get? Exactly what probable cause did you have in mind?
Cerreta: A senile judge.

Logan: [about McDaniel having his kidney stolen] Whoa! Talk about getting your pocket picked!

Logan: [of his mother] She was a bottomless pit. Always 'give me your undivided attention'. And when my old man couldn't take it anymore and whacked her, she'd turn around and whack me. She got this look in her eye... I knew it was coming. And that cold witch in there... she's got that same look.

Logan: [reading faxes written in Arabic] Looks like a breakdancing chicken wrote this.

Logan: Are we 'your kind of people'?
Manager: Well, you make it in the looks department, but the wardrobe needs a lot of help.

Logan: Everything's a mirror to her. She holds a dying kid up to it, and all she can see is herself and how it affects her. Now you give her sympathy, she's gonna want to fight. You give her a fight, she's gonna want a kiss. You give her a kiss and I swear to God she'll bite your tongue out.

Logan: Hey, they don't play by the rules, why should we?
Stone: Because that's our job.

Logan: I've been eager myself. It's not a crime.

Logan: Katherine Beigel did in ten seconds what we couldn't do for ten years. Put Frank Masucci out of business. Permanently.

Logan: Law Degree. A license to lie.

Logan: Let me ask you something. If you liked Isaac so much, why'd you clean his register?
Hoover: Didn't look like he was gonna need it.

Logan: Max is dead. I accept it. But I'll never accept it, you know?

Logan: My mother used to beat me with one hand and hold a rosary with the other. The next time I enter a church, it'll be in a pine box carried by six of my friends.