Kim Possible quotes

538 total quotes

Ron: Artie my main man, well I'm Ron.
Artie Smarty: [childishly imitating him] I'm Ron.
Ron: Er yeah that's what I said.
Artie Smarty: [Now spitefully] Er yeah that's what I said.
Ron & Artie: [in stereo] Hey stop that.
Ron & Artie: [in stereo] Stop saying what I'm saying.
Ron: KP! He can't...[Artie takes off]

Ron: Come on, we don't have much time.
Kim: Ron, they're in a helicopter? We'll never catch them.
Ron: Who's talking about them? Bueno Nacho closes in three minutes! I'm starving!

Ron: Dating could be good, ya know, the date thing... But what if it tanks? It could totally wreck our friendship! No. No! I can't let that happen! Only one thing to do: break up with Kim! Thanks, man. You've been a big help.
Barkin: Stoppable, how did you get in my house?!

Ron: Dude, you okay?
Shego: Dr. D...?
Drakken: neh... uh... My mind... it's racing... it's uncanny... I see every detail...
Kim: Of what?
Drakken: My greatest plan ever!
Ron: To save the world?
Drakken: Do NOT make me say those words!

Ron: Fuji! Why is it always monkeys?! Why can't I ever be attacked by crazed super models?!

Ron: Get your stinking paws off me, you filthy monkey!

Ron: Headline: Quarterback sacks Kim Possible! She has a dislocated heart and will be out for the remains of the season! (Rufus shuts his mouth)
Kim: Thank you.

Ron: Hello, information? What's the number for 911?

Ron: Hermit crabs! They're just hard-shelled ungratefulness!

Ron: Hey, Gill, maybe this is a good time to sing the Camp Wannaweep Friendship Song?

Ron: Hey, I helped with that avalanche too, you know.
Kim: You STARTED it.

Ron: How many times is someone gonna feed me sheep's lungs cooked in its own stomach, before they get that I don't like it?!

Ron: I belong... I belong to Bueno Nacho! Yo amo esto lugar! ("I love this place!")
Rufus: Si! ("Yes!")

Ron: I get showed up on every mission we go on, you don't hear me whining!
[Kim and Monique give him a sideways glance]
Ron: I could whine more... A lot more!

Ron: I must become that which I fear most... HEY, MONKEYS! HIT ME!