Kim Possible quotes

538 total quotes

Mrs. Possible: What would Ron do now?
Kim: Probably cry... or run.

Mutated Ron: [On seeing a giant clown statue] Ron hate clowns!
[from behind it Kim shoots a roast chicken at him]
Mutated Ron: Clown throw chicken? Ron smash!!

Mutated Ron: [On seeing a giant metal donut] Ahh, donut... Ron want! [bites it] Ow! Ow! Donut hurt Ron! Ron smash!! [The metal donut detaches from the stand and rolls down a hill] Oh, no... donut run away... come back, donut!!

Nanny Maim: (tsking) So very naughty, trying to muck up Nanny Maim's plans like this. (sips tea) Hmmmm, what to do?
Kim: You could tell us what this is all about. That's sort of traditional in situations like this.
Nanny Maim: Well deary, back in the day I trained the sternest nannies the world has ever seen, but times changed. A stern nanny was no longer the fashion. Fewer and fewer of my graduates were hired. Finally, nanny had to close her lovely academy for good.
Kim: So, this is about revenge?
Nanny Maim: Do not interrupt, that is quite rude. Nanny Maim realized you could make more money making children unhappy, then she could making them happy.
Ron: Hey, what's more traditional than greed?
Kim: And the, um, hench-babies?
Nanny Maim: These little dears? They show just what traditional Nanning and firm discipline can accomplish. Also, feeding full-size henchmen gets a bit pricey.
Ron: Cheap, that's traditional too.
Kim: The good guys getting free while the bad guy explains the plan... also traditional.

Nanny Maim: Apparently, during your last visit, I did not make myself clear.
Kim: Oh, it's very clear. You're creating an army of super babies, and using them to steal pacifiers.
Ron: Ok, now see I was thinking that but when you said it out loud, I-it sounded silly.
Kim: I know.

Ned: Ron, this isn't like you!
[Mutated Ron drinks a whole vat of nacho cheese.]
Ned: OK, that's like you.

Ned: Your bilingual wiles will hold no sway with me, Miss Possible. I am management.

Ron Stoppable: It's an exposé I call...
Editor: "Math: You'll Never Actually Use It In The Real World"
Ron Stoppable: I'm already working on a follow-up piece about semicolons!

Ron Stoppable: Sorry, KP, but discovering your favorite action hero is a big fake is not something you just 'get over'.
Kim Possible: And this from a wrestling fan?
Ron Stoppable: I don't see the connection.

Ron (while on the swings ride): Kim! No, please, this ride always makes me throw up! Argh! (he spins around) ...Kim! ...Kim! ...Kim!

Ron: (notices the Adrena Lynn dummy that Kim saved) Oh, no, it can't be! It was just a dummy. She didn't even fall.

Ron: (to the cafeteria lady) I'll have an omelet, whites only. (gets a heap of greasy food) (to Kim) She must not know who I am.
Kim: I'm not sure I know who you are.

Ron: (attempting to stop Camille, disguised as him) I got me.
(Ron fumbles into a clothing rack)
Ron: You know, I'm surprisingly nimble for an heiress.

Ron: (grabbing either Jim or Tim's megaphone) Cootie Alert!!!

Ron: (Talking to Kim) This whole thing has shown me that I- I can't live without you.