Dexter quotes

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[Doakes looks at several weapons on the counter]
Doakes: Tell me that shit wasn't stolen from Saddam's palace!

[Drinking coffee]
Quinn: Sugar is so much better than the artificial stuff, don't you think?
Dexter: I guess.
Quinn: Do you like milk or cream?
Dexter: Neither.
Quinn: Not exactly the chatty type, are you?
Dexter: No.

[Examining a jar of blood received in the mail]
Assistant: Maybe you should open it.
Dexter: What if there's an airborne toxin in here waiting to be released?
Assistant: I've got to wash my hands. [rushes past]
Dexter: So gullible. ... It's definitely blood.

[Examining the body of one of Dexter's victims, Valerie Castillo]
Vince Masuka: If she was killed here, which I doubt, whoever did it was a real pro.
Dexter: [voiceover] Under normal circumstances, I'd take that as a compliment.

[Finding the article of the massacre]
Dexter: No wonder I felt so disconnected my entire life. If I did have emotions, I'd have to feel this.

[Images of dismembered body parts are shown]
Lundy: First report from the field had these parts as coming from one body.
Dexter: [thoughts] Actually, it's two.
Lundy: Actually, it's two.
Dexter: [thoughts] Uh-oh.

[In Miguel's office, playing PC shooting game]
Dexter: [voiceover] It's all about strategy. Out-maneuvering the opposition, bending him to your will.
Miguel: What are you doing in my office, Dex?
Dexter: Winning.

[In response to a description of the Bronco]
Dexter: Many times in life I feel like I'm missing some essential piece of the human puzzle. This is one of them.

[Lila looks at some of the Bay Harbor Butcher's victims]
Lila: It's ... incredible.
Dexter: But the person who did this �
Lila: Is a person just like me. Like you. We're all good, Dexter. And we're all evil.
Dexter: [thoughts] I thought I closed the door for anybody ever seeing me for who I am. But, this woman sees me. She doesn't know it, but she's looking behind the mask, and she's not turning away.

[Lila steals a wind chime]
Dexter: I thought we were gonna get art supplies.
Lila: That's what we're doing. I work with found art.
Dexter: More like stolen art.

[Little Chino escapes from Dexter]
Dexter: Thirty-nine days, twenty-two hours and eighteen minutes since I killed my brother. I am cursed.

[Officer gives Dexter a tranquilizer gun]
Officers: Some 'gators giving you trouble, Dex?
Dexter: They, uh, they ate my puppy.

[Pascal has started crying over her fiancée's shirt]
Dexter: This is the kind of thing that makes me glad I have no feelings. As they always say, "never take your dirty laundry to work".

[Pushing Little Chino's body on a cart]
Dexter: It was simple really. All I had to do was put myself into the mind of a killer. Hardly a stretch.

[The morning after Dexter walked in on Debra having sex]
Dexter: Morning.
Debra: So, that was a little weird last night.
Dexter: No � yeah � well, it was dark. My eyes hadn't adjusted. All I could see were shadows.
Debra: Well, please put those shadows out of your mind.