Dexter quotes

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Dexter: Is that what a sponsor does on their first meeting?
Lila: I dunno. I've never sponsored anyone before.
Dexter: Really.

Dexter: It's an odd sensation to be experiencing what might be called "hope" for the first time in my life. At the same time, I find myself weighing the benefits between electrocution versus lethal injection. But here I am.

Dexter: It's like when you get on a plane, they tell you if the oxygen masks come down, to put yours on first before taking care of the kids. I need to take care of my own needs, too. Otherwise, I'll be spinning out of control. That's not good for any one.

Dexter: It's one thing to fuck with me another to fuck with [pauses] my ex-girlfriend who hates me. The Lila experiment is officially over.

Dexter: Little Chino,shit. He is officially the highest point in all of Florida.

Dexter: Man has always been drawn to the sea. But it's an unnatural setting for us. A place of great danger. Tides, currents, waves, wind. Each presenting their own hazards. None of which can be ignored. The slightest lapse of judgement can be a mistake you might never recover from. But a good sailor doesn't fight against these elements. A good sailor works with them, using them to his advantage. While others, less fortunate might be forever cast adrift, often in several pieces, he always comes home safely.

Dexter: Marina View Hotel. It's a key. Maybe some sort of promotional gag � stay the weekend, get a free jar of blood.

Dexter: Maybe I took pity on him. Yeah, he's a killer, but he also bumps into walls.

Dexter: Miami Dolphins
Masuka: Club Level! Jeez, who do I got to fuck to get those kind of tickets?
Dexter: Here ... no fucking.

Dexter: My code requires a higher standard of proof than your city's laws, at zero cost to the taxpayer. If you ask me, I'm a bargain.

Dexter: My dad used to say, "Be careful what you think you know about someone � you're probably wrong."

Dexter: My little sister, the cuddler.
Debra: I have a scalding hot beverage here, Dex, don't make me use it.

Dexter: My sister's right, I don't share my problems with her. Or with anybody. Harry taught me that. Secrecy, self-reliance ... and a well-stocked cupboard of Hefty bags.

Dexter: No self control, lost everything, trying to stop; same whiny story over and over for ...
[Dexter checks his watch.]
Dexter: Ten minutes? Feels like ten hours.

Dexter: Red rover, red rover, send Chino back over.