Angel quotes

717 total quotes

Angel: I can crush the life out of you before they even lift a finger.
Holland: Oh, I'm sure you can. Just as sure as I am that you won't.
Angel: Won't I?
Holland: You don't kill humans.
Angel: You don't qualify. You set things in motion, play your little games up here in your glass and chrome tower, and people die. Innocent people.
Holland: And yet I just can't seem to care. But you do. And while you're making threats, wasting time, crashing through windows, your girls are out painting the town red, red, red.

Angel: I don't even own a TV. He's gonna wanna watch TV. Not too much, I mean, after homework and chores. He's gonna need clothes, weekly allowance... What's good nowadays? Fifty cents, a dollar?
Cordelia: Yeah. If you're Tom Sawyer painting the fence.
Angel: See? I'm so out of touch.

Angel: I found Holtz.
Cordelia: And?
Angel: I didn't kill him.
Cordelia: Maybe you're growing as a person.

Angel: I had to sing Barry Manilow.
Faith: You're kidding.
Angel: In front of people.
Faith: And here I am talking about my petty little problems.
Angel: Just wanted to give you a little perspective.
Faith: "Copacabana"?
Angel: "Mandy". I don't want to dwell on it.
Faith: The road to redemption is a rocky path.
Angel: That it is.
Faith: You think we might make it?
Angel: We might.

Angel: I have no memory of doing any of these things.
Cordelia: ah, not exactly the confidence-inspiring denial I was looking for.
Angel: I've been having dreams.
Wesley: Dreams?
Angel: Killing dreams. Always the same, I - I stalk them, toy with them, mark them while they're still alive. And before they can die from the fear I feed on them.
Cordelia: Okay, so you've been having nightmares. It doesn't mean you-
Angel: They're not nightmares. I've enjoyed them.
Cordelia: Oh...

Angel: I helped save the world, you know.
Spike: Like I haven't.
Angel: Yeah, but I've done it a lot more.
Spike: Oh, please.
Angel: Closed the Hellmouth.
Spike: I've done that.
Angel: Yeah, but you wore a necklace. You know, I helped kill the Mayor, and uhm... Jasmine.
Spike: Do those really count as saving the world?
Angel: I stopped Acathla. That saved the world.
Spike: Buffy ran you through with a sword.
Angel: Yeah, but I made her do it. Signalled her with my eyes.
Spike: She killed you. I helped her. That one counts as mine.

Angel: I just want you to be careful, Fred, because I know how charming Spike can be.
Eve: He is quite the dish, with those eyes...
Fred: And the hair and the cheeks and--what do you think I am, stupid? I know he's been playing me with the looks and the smiles. I'm not some idiot schoolgirl with a crush.
Angel: Then what is it?
Fred: It's about doing what's right. Remember?

Angel: I know you guys have been working hard. I mean, you've been cooped up inside a lot. And to show my appreciation, I was thinking, the night being... you know... young and all, that the three of us could, well... should... you know... maybe, go out... ... you know... ... ... for fun.
Cordelia: Or we can go home.
Doyle: And you can sit in the dark alone.
Angel: God yes. Thank you.

Angel: I saw their production of "Giselle" in 1890. I cried like a baby. And I was evil!

Angel: I smelled her, I know her scent.
Wesley: You can't just...
Angel: You had sex last night with a bleached blonde.
Wesley: Good Lord!

Angel: I still can't believe you're here. I mean...I killed you.
Darla: I'm over that. You haven't told anyone else about these dates of ours, have you?
Angel: No. I want you all for myself.
Darla: I know how you feel.
Angel: It's so strange.
Darla: But good.
Angel: But good.
[They kiss as the song ends.]
Lorne: Somebody get these two love-vamps a room!

Angel: I'm just here to say bon voyage and don't come back.
Lindsey: To L.A.? Nah, you can have this place.
Angel: Good, I'm glad I didn't have to do something immature here.
Lindsey: The key to Wolfram & Hart- don't let them make you play their game. You gotta make them play yours.
Angel: Thanks, I'll keep that in mind. Don't drive too fast. Lot of cops out there. [Lindsey drives away with a "Cops Suck" sign on the back of his truck]

Angel: I'm not crazy, I'm telling you I saw her.
Wesley: Who?
Angel: Darla.
Wesley: Where?
Angel: Right between the clowns and the big talking hot dog.

Angel: I'm not interested in what you think!
Lorne: Hey, easy guys!
Angel: [About Wesley] He took my son.
Gunn: I know this is life and death. I'm just saying, let's get...
[Angel grabs Gunn's shirt collar with both hands and pushes him back.]
Angel: He took my son!
Gunn: You better get your damn hands off of me!
Fred: Stop it! Stop it both of you! This isn't helping, damn it! [Pushes them apart] Back off! There is only one thing that matters right now, and that is 'where is Connor?'

Angel: I'm not what you think.
Rebecca: You're not? Because... no reflection, dark private office, instantly knowing those letters weren't written in blood... I guess what I would think is "vampire".
Angel: Then again...
Rebecca: Which is impossible. Bela Lugosi, Gary Oldman, they're vampires.
Angel: Frank Langella was the only performance I believed, but...
Rebecca: This is real. You're real. Do you drink blood?
Angel: Yeah. But not human.
Rebecca: You're not a killer.
Angel: I gave that up.
Rebecca: Well, there's a support group for everything in this town, I guess.