Angel quotes

717 total quotes

Angel: If this is our chance to get into a better grace with the head office, I have to say it's not my priority.
Marcus: Oh, no, don't think about us, Angel. Think about profits. It's profits that let you keep this plucky little boat-load of good above water. It's a business, boys, not a Batcave.
Lorne: Well, I'll tell you what--still like him better than Eve.

Angel: If you don't kill, we won't kill you. [in a Wolfram & Hart employee orientation video]

Angel: Jasmine, it's over. You've lost.
Jasmine: I've lost? Do you have any idea what you've done?
Angel: What I had to do.
Jasmine: No. No, Angel. There are no absolutes. No right and wrong. Haven't you learned anything working for the Powers? There are only choices. I offered paradise. You chose this!
Angel: Because I could. Because that's what you took away from us. Choice.
Jasmine: And look what free will has gotten you.
Angel: Hey, I didn't say we were smart. I said it's our right. It's what makes us human.
Jasmine: But you're not human.
Angel: Working on it.
[Jasmine turns to walk away]
Angel: Where you going?
Jasmine: Leave me alone.
Angel: Sorry, but... can't do that.
Jasmine: What? You've taken everything. You're gonna try to kill me now, as if you could.
Angel: Maybe not. But I'll die before I let you hurt anyone else.
Jasmine: You're already dead!
Angel: You know what I mean. It ends right here.
Jasmine: Why do you hate me so much?
Angel: Let's run down the list, huh? Rain of fire, blotting out the sun, enslaving mankind, and, yeah, oh, yeah, hey, you eat people!
Jasmine: Like you never have?
Angel: Thousands of people are dead because of what you've done.
Jasmine: And how many will die because of you? I could've stopped it, Angel. All of it. War, disease, poverty. How many precious, beautiful lives would've been saved in a handful of years? Yes, I murdered thousands to save billions. This world is doomed to drown in its own blood now.
Angel: The price was too high, Jasmine. Our fate has to be our own, or we're nothing.
Jasmine: Like me?
Angel: Look, we've all done horrible things. All we can do is try and make up for it. So, OK, you know, it's not the world that you wanted, but maybe you can still help us make it better, even if you have lost your powers.
Jasmine: Not all of them.
[Jasmine punches Angel so hard that it sends him flying over the edge of the bridge. He lands on a car hood. Jasmine, still on the bridge, picks up a station wagon.]

Angel: Keep the change.
Delivery Man: Wow, a whole dollar just for me. I'm the luckiest delivery man ever.

Angel: life should be beautiful and bright but no matter how hard i try, everything i touch turns to ashes

Angel: Look, Lorne...I have things. I'm busy. [Lorne stares] I'm brooding.
Lorne: [Turns around to see television is on.] Oh, you're watching hockey!
Angel: Yeah, but my team is losing.

Angel: Lorne, I need you to use your contacts and find out what Holtz is up to. He's out there somewhere, and we can never forget that. Finding him is our number one priority.
Gunn: I thought you said...
Angel: Finding Holtz and making money are our two number one priorities.
(Cordelia walks by and clears her throat)
Angel: Helping the helpless, finding Holtz, and making money are our three number one priorities.

Angel: Man, atonement's a bitch.

Angel: No, you're not coming, any of you. Whatever's taken over Cordy, it's still her inside. She's still our friend. She's still the woman I... I won't let you carry that. I can't.
Skip: Anybody got a hanky?

Angel: Oh, God.
Darla: Don't fight it, my love. Just let it happen. It'll only hurt for a minute.
Angel: Oh, God. Oh, God.
Darla: Yes. Yes, I know. It was the same for me. The soul is gone, but it leaves a bitterness. It'll pass. What you need is a fresh kill. Hot human blood will wash away the foul memory of it. I promise. What? What is it?
Angel: You saved me.
Darla: Yes. But I was going to kill you tonight. Take you out of this world, the same way I brought you into it. But I didn't have to. You gave yourself over so completely, Angelus. I felt you surrender.
Angel: I gave you everything I had left.
Darla: Yes.
Angel: I'm so sorry.
Darla: You don't have to be.
Angel: But I am. I am sorry.
Darla: What?
Angel: I'm sorry Darla.
Darla: [Realizes] No!
Angel: You saved me. Sorry I couldn't do the same for you.
Darla: Let go of me! You still have a soul!

Angel: Ow!
Wes: What happened?
Angel: The mail guy threw me.
Gunn: What?!
Spike: Number 5?! [smiling] He did this? Isn't he like 100 years old?

Angel: She's right. There's work to do here. We have a hotel full of people, people who have needs.
Lorne: You know what they say about people who need people...
Connor: They're the luckiest people in the world.
Lorne: You been sneaking peeks at my Streisand collection again, kiddo?
Connor: Just kinda popped out.

Angel: Sit down.
Connor: You're too weak to take me.
Angel: You really think that?
[Connor looks at Angel for another moment, then turns, picks up the chair, slams it down on the floor, and sits facing Angel. Gunn begins to stir and sit up. Angel lowers himself into a chair across from Connor with a slight sigh.]
Angel: So, how was your summer? Mine was fun. Saw some fish, went mad with hunger, hallucinated a whole bunch.
Connor: You deserved worse.
Angel: Because I killed Holtz, except I didn't. I tried telling you that while you were busy offshore dumping me, but I didn't know the whole score. Holtz killed himself. Actually he had your buddy Justine do it with an ice pick. Just to make you hate me.
Connor: Even if, you still deserved it.
Angel: What I deserve is open to debate. But understand there is a difference between wishing vengeance on someone and taking it. So now the questions becomes: what do you deserve?
[Connor suddenly umps up from his chair and runs for the door, but Angel intercepts him, tossing him against the wall.]
Angel: Daddy's not finished talking.
[He crouches down next to where Connor sits, scrunched up against the wall.]
Angel: Wesley told me everything that's been going on. So, as far as I'm concerned what you deserve rests on one answer: [Angel leans in closer.] Did you do something to Cordelia?
Connor: No.
Fred: He's lying.
Connor: No, I'm not!
Gunn: No way she just happened to disappear the same night.
Connor: I'm telling the truth, okay?
Angel: I know. You've done enough lying for me to know the difference. The truth has a better sound to it, less nasal, you know? Get up. [Connor stands up.] I can tell. What you did to me... was unbelievable, Connor. But then, I got stuck in a hell dimension by my girlfriend one time for a hundred years, so three months under the ocean actually gave me perspective. Kind of a M. C. Esher perspective -- but I did get time to think. About us, about the world. Nothing in the world is the way it ought to be. It's harsh, and cruel. But that's why there's us. Champions. It doesn't matter where we come from, what we've done or suffered, or even if we make a difference. We live as though the world were as it should be, to show it what it can be. You're not a part of that yet. I hope you will be. I love you, Connor. Now get out of my house.

Angel: So what are you looking for?
Kate: Me? I guess it depends on how many daiquiris I've had. Wow, way to come off as a drunken slut.

Angel: So, you're seeing someone? How come I haven't met him?
Cordelia: 'Cause I'm ashamed of you, not to mention how you'd embarrass me by giving him the third degree.
Emily: Your boss could give me the third degree anytime.
Cordelia: Oh, um... so... [collapses and convulses; Angel and Wesley try to distract Serena and Emily so they won't notice Cordelia having vision]
Angel: [pushes some mail off desk] Um, uh, Cordelia! Grab that file.
Wesley: [bending to pick up mail] Don't worry. Heh Heh. Whoopsie! [straightens up]
Angel: Lounge La Brea. Sounds like that could be an evening with all sorts of evening type... I heard the bands there are...
Serena: They don't have bands.
Angel: Which I like, 'cause if it's too loud...
Emily: Wanna come?
Angel: Oh, I think I may be busy. [flash of Cordelia's vision] Besides, um, I don't, um, lounge... all that well.
Wesley: [loud laugh] Good one. Oh, yes, no. He's no lounger, this one. [throws arm across Angel's shoulders] Hmm-mmm.
Serena: [aside to Emily] The good ones are always gay. Cor, tick-tock. [Cordelia shakily stands]
Angel: [asking about her vision] So, that client I'm supposed to be meeting tonight... What's he like again?
Cordelia: Like a big baby hatching from a big egg, with really large hands, in need of a manicure. You're meeting him here. [writes down address, then moves toward door with girls]
Cordelia: Okay. Are my girls ready to party?