The West Wing quotes

721 total quotes

Bartlet: John.
Hoynes: What did I do? Where in our past, what did I do to make you treat me this way? What did I ever do except deliver the South?
Bartlet: You shouldn't have made me beg, John.
Hoynes: Due respect, Mr President, you had just kicked my ass in the primary. I'm 15 years younger than you are and I have my career to think of.

Bartlet: Leo said just now that there was going to be an NEC briefing on scoring and tell her what I said.
Leo: 'What's wrong with booze and a comfortable pickup?'
Debbie: No, I see there's no hour too early for your Noel Cowardesque wit, sir.

Bartlet: Let me tell you, you're really showing me something tonight. A lot of spunk, a lot of pluck. This game isn't all about size, you know. There's a little thing called heart and you've got it, my friend.
Toby: You know what, old man? The very minute they swear in the next guy, you and I are going round and round.
Bartlet: Check.

Bartlet: Mike, pick yourself out a daughter. My oldest is married, but I can have it annulled. The Pope said he'd do it, I swear to God.
Casper: That's very friendly of you, sir. Thank you.

Bartlet: Mr. McGarry, Mr. Ziegler, Mr. Lyman, Miss Cregg. It's the Temptations! I love you guys!
Leo: You only think you've heard everything, but you haven't.
Bartlet: Hit me.
Leo: Toby.
Toby: James Hoebuck will vote yea ten-thirty if we give him $115,000.
Bartlet: Million?
Josh: Thousand. $115,000.
Bartlet: For an RV? What's he want?
Leo: An NIH study on remote prayer.
Bartlet: I like it. There should be a button on my desk I can press and forty-nine people instantly pray for me.

Bartlet: Mrs. Landingham.
Mrs. Landingham: Yes sir?
Bartlet: You're not going to believe this but I think I'd actually like a banana.
Mrs. Landingham: I'm afraid not sir, no.
Bartlet: Why not?
Mrs. Landingham: You were offered one earlier, sir, and you were snippy.
Bartlet: I wasn't snippy!
Mrs. Landingham: I'm afraid you were, Mr. President. [looks toward the oval office] C.J.'s waiting, sir.
Bartlet: Thank you, Mrs. Landingham. [To CJ as he enters the Oval Office] She withholds food from me.

Bartlet: My wife and I are fighting battles on several fronts, including with each other.

Bartlet: Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful and committed people can change the world. Do you know why?
Will: Because it's the only thing that ever has.

Bartlet: Run towards yourself. I'm wrong about that - walk. You're not going to be used to your surroundings.
Sam: Yes, sir.
Bartlet: If you lose, you lose. But if you waste this, I'll kill you.

Bartlet: Sam's gonna make some changes.
Tate: Are you going to clear them with me?
Sam: Probably not. [to the recorder] Write this. Eleven months ago, a 1,200-pound spacecraft blasted off from Cape Canaveral, Florida. Eighteen hours ago...18 hours, do I have that right? It's going to be noon Eastern time.
CJ: Yep.
Sam: Eighteen hours ago, it landed on the planet Mars. You, me, and 60,000 of your fellow students across the country, along with astroscientists and engineers from the Jet Propulsion Lab in Southern California, NASA Houston, and right here at the White House are going to be to the first to see what it sees, and to chronicle the extraordinary voyage of an unmanned ship called 'Galileo V.'
Bartlet: [to C.J.] He said it right.

Bartlet: She dumped a Rhodes Scholar for this guy. Zoey left Charlie for the frog. Ellie and the guitar player with the purple van. My children choose morons, every one.
Debbie: They say daughters look for their fathers.

Bartlet: Social Security is the third rail of American politics. Touch it, and you die.
Toby: That's 'cause the third rail's where all the power is.

Bartlet: Thank you for coming. How was your flight?
Marbury: Intoxicating.
Leo: So I see.
Marbury: [to Leo] Allow me to present myself...Lord John Marbury, I was summoned by your President.
Leo: Yes. We've met, 10 or 12 times. I'm Leo McGarry.
Marbury: I thought you were the butler.
Leo: No, I'm the White House Chief of Staff.
Marbury: Nonetheless, would you have something with which to light my cigarette?
Leo: No, I'm afraid we don't allow smoking in this part of the world.
Marbury: Really? In this part over here we encourage it!

Bartlet: The Assistant Energy Secretary is flying to Portland in the middle of the night so he can meet with me on Air Force One on the way back?
Charlie: Yes sir.
Bartlet: The day-to-day experience of my life has changed in many ways since taking this job.

Bartlet: The first time I met Leo, we argued.
CJ: About what?
Bartlet: Monetary... something, role of the Fed...
CJ: Who won?
Bartlet: I did. I'm sure if you could ask him, he'd say he did. [beat] We almost lost him fifteen years ago, did you know that? Abby and I used to talk about it. I was prepared then. Not today.