Ducky: Dwayne Wilson...
Gibbs: He's a baby agent.
Ducky: And I'm looking at his personnel report because...?
Gibbs: That's your thing!
Ducky: My thing? [pause] Ah, I take it that Agent Wilson is alive.
Gibbs: Oh yeah.
Ducky: So you don't want me to do an autopsy, which leaves my other thing. Psychological profile?
Gibbs: He's a baby agent.
Ducky: And I'm looking at his personnel report because...?
Gibbs: That's your thing!
Ducky: My thing? [pause] Ah, I take it that Agent Wilson is alive.
Gibbs: Oh yeah.
Ducky: So you don't want me to do an autopsy, which leaves my other thing. Psychological profile?
Ducky: Dwayne Wilson...
Gibbs: He's a baby agent.
Ducky: And I'm looking at his personnel report because...?
Gibbs: That's your thing!
Ducky: My thing? [pause] Ah, I take it that Agent Wilson is alive.
Gibbs: Oh yeah.
Ducky: So you don't want me to do an autopsy, which leaves my other thing. Psychological profile?