Mighty Morphin Power Rangers quotes

284 total quotes

Kimberly: Bulk, be careful! You're such a clod.
Bulk: She's makin' me mess up my lines!
[he spins the spinning wheel at hyperspeed]
Kimberly: Bulk? Not so fast!
[the high speed of the wheel blows off Mr. Kaplan's toupee; Bulk guffaws at it; the wheel suddenly breaks]
Kimberly: HEY!!
[she looks at the busted wheel]
Kimberly: Oh, no! You ruined my grandmother's spinning wheel!!! What is she gonna say?!
Mr. Kaplan: Honestly, Bulk. Come on, kids. Let's take a break before somethin' else gets broken.
Bulk: Don't get so bent outta shape, Kimberly!
Kimberly: This happens to be very important to me.
[she sets off in a huff]

Kimberly: All right. So, what do we do now? Goldar has all the Power Coins.
Jason: Not all of 'em. We still have one.
[he shows his fellow Ranger teens that the last remaining coin is the Dragon Coin]

Kimberly: Baboo?!
Baboo: In the flesh. And I got you, didn't I?
Terror Toad: Four down, and only one to go!
Baboo: Well, then, let's get her!

Kimberly: Back to action!
[She sneezes.]

Kimberly: Maybe you caught my flu.
Repellator: Ridiculous! I am Repellator, impervious to your silly human sickne---
[He sneezes.]

Kimberly: The Power Rangers are history.
Trini: It's over. Rita's won.
Jason: Rangers, we can't give up.
Kimberly: Why shouldn't we? Zordon's gone, the Megazord has been destroyed. We're outmatched.
Alpha: Billy, what are the chances of bringing Zordon back on-line?
Billy: Less than 10%.
Jason: Isn't the smallest chance of victory enough of a reason for us to keep on fighting? The world needs us, Rangers.
Zack: Let's face it. The Green Ranger was Rita's trump card. She played it. She won.
Alpha: No, Rangers. I cannot accept that. Zordon would not accept that.
Trini: But Zordon's not here.

Kimberly: The power's all yours now.

Kimberly: Tommy! Tommy, I know. I know you're the Green Ranger.
Tommy: Well then Pink Ranger, you should know that you, along with the other Power Rangers, will soon be destroyed.
Kimberly: Let us help you! We can break Rita's spell!
Tommy: Rita is my empress, and she will soon rule the world!
Kimberly: Tommy, please let us help you...
Tommy: You (his eyes flash green) have been warned!

Kimberly: You guys may look like us, but that's not enough!
Commander Crayfish: We'll soon see, little land-lubber. We have a real leader!

Kimberly: You'll never get away with this!
Rito: Sorry, darlin'. Evil versus good, and all that.

Kimberly: Zack, are you okay?
Zack: [still sees her as a Putty] Kimberly?!
Miss Appleby: Zack, do you have something to say?
[Zack pauses for a moment]
Kimberly: Quit foolin' around.
Zack: No, ma'am.
Miss Appleby: I don't want anyone to say another word.
[Skull pushes the play button on his tape recorder]
Recording of Miss Appleby: Another word.
Skull: [nervously] Uh-oh!

King Sphinx: You're nothing without your friends. Why don't you just give up?

Lord Zedd, Rita: By the power and force of lightning, make our monster grow!

Lord Zedd: NO! I don't believe it. This is not the end, by any means. Zordon and his stupid Power Rangers shall not prevail again!
[Cut to Finster's laboratory.]
Finster: Hmph. Well, if he'd used one of my monsters, none of this would've ever happened.
[Cut back to the Chamber of Command.]
Lord Zedd: [roars angrily] I was so close to ridding myself of those annoying Power pests, but now, all that is ruined.
Goldar: I'm sorry you failed, Excellency.
Lord Zedd: I didn't fail, you simpering twit! You failed! You all failed, just like you failed before! [roars again]
Baboo: Uh, did we do something wrong?
Lord Zedd: SILENCE! They have won this time, but none of us shall rest until the Rangers are completely destroyed, and the Earth is reduced to mere cinders! [laughs]

Lord Zedd: NO! This can't be! I will not tolerate being outsmarted by those Power Rangers!
Goldar: They've regained control of their Zords.
Lord Zedd: Not for long. I'll strip the Zords' power and return them to the depths of the Earth from whence they came!