Mighty Morphin Power Rangers quotes

284 total quotes

Rita: Rito Revolto?! What are you doing here?!
Lord Zedd: You know this klutz?
Rita: Know him? He's my brother!

Rita: So, do you two think I should send the Green Ranger?
Squatt: I think I don't know what I think, your Evilness!
Scorpina: No! Send me, I wanna go!
Squatt: Well, I could go with Baboo.
Scorpina: Oh, shut up!

Rita: Take Baboo and Squatt to that museum! Bring me the urn with the Face Stealer in it!
Rito: Yes, sir - ma'am!

Rita: This time, it had better work, Finster!

Rita: Well, do you have my monster yet? The waiting is putting a strain on my natural beauty.
Finster: Yes, I call it the Gnarly Gnome. He's a wonderfully outwit creature, who plays a hypnotic accordian. The plan is to hypnotised a few kids and hold them. When, the Power Rangers show up to the rescue, he'll use the music to put them in your power.
Rita: OK, let's get em!
[The monster-matic is cooking the monster]

Rita: You've been a good kitty, Katherine. Remind me to give you an extra saucer of milk.
Lord Zedd: Oh, brother.
Rita: Isn't she beautiful, Zeddy?
Lord Zedd: Get that flea-bitten thing away from me!

Rita: ZEDD!
Lord Zedd [growls]: Blasted woman... that voice of hers could peel paint!

Rito: [picks up the phone] Hello. Rito Revolto residence.
[he laughs until...]
Zedd: [on phone] Rito, you bonehead! Put Goldar on the line!
Rito: Oh. Hi, Edd! Uh, Goldar's not here. Oh! Can I be in charge?
Zedd: So, you want to be in charge, huh?
Rito: Yeah. Uh-huh. Yeah. [laughs]
Zedd: Like when I told you to recharge Serpentera yesterday?!
[Rito facepalms]
Zedd: Well, thanks to you, we're on our way back, and your sister can't wait to see you. Tell Goldar that monster had better be ready!
Rito: Monster? What? Oh! Right! The monster! You got it, Edd! No problemo! Everything is right on schedule. Count on it!

Rito: He who fights and runs away lives to fight another day!

Rito: Hey, Rita! Whaddya think of your baby brother now?

Rito: I love it when a plan comes together!

Rito: Now, you'd think that those Rangers would have someplace to go for the holidays, but nooo.

Rito: Those Mighty Morphin Meatheads better watch out, 'cause from this moment on, I'm in charge, and I'm their worst nightmare!

Rito: Y'know, picking out a present for you has never been easy. Remember when Mom and Dad got you that little fire-breathing dragon, but you really wanted that cute little planet, so you used the dragon to burn the house down?

Rito: You guys are finished! Uhh... as soon as my pals get here.
Tommy: Looks to me like Zedd left you hanging.
Rito: Oh yeah? Well, I guess I'll have to take ya down myself!