Brittany: Go Mercedes, go Mercedes, go! (smiles)
Mercedes: (sitting on Santa's lap) I've been a very good girl, Santa. I want a pony and a dolly that laughs and cries of us smells like McDonald's.
Lauren: (sitting on Santa's lap) I want Puckerman to love me. He's a fox. And I want sweet potato fries.
Santana: (sitting on Santa's lap) I want bling. I can't be more specific than that. Okay hold up. Don't tell that's a roll of Certs in your pocket. (gets off)
Artie: (nodding)
Quinn: (sitting on Santa's lap) Do you have anything for stretch marks?
Sam: (sitting on Santa's lap) Chapstick. Lots of Chapstick.
Mike: (sitting on Santa's lap) I want Channing Tatum to stop being in stuff.
Tina: (sitting on Santa's lap) When does Asian Santa arrive?
Elf Lady: Next.
Brittany: (to Elf Lady) Just know, you have rights.
Santa: Ho, ho, ho.
Brittany: (sits on Santa's lap)
Santa: What's your name?
Brittany: Brittany. You've gotten really tan.
Santa: That's because in the North Pole there is a hole in the ozone.
Brittany: (laughs) You're amazing. I know you're really busy so I only want one thing for Christmas. (points to Artie) Do you see my boyfriend over there?
Artie: (waves)
Brittany': For Christmas, I want him to be able to walk. You can do that, can't you Santa?
Artie: (frowns)
Santa: (turns to Artie)
Artie: (shakes his head no)
Santa: Um...sure. I'm on it.
Brittany: Thank you Santa.
Artie: Now we're screwed.
Brittany: (hugs Santa)

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