Stan: 250 years, this company's been in your family, and from slaves and smallpox blankets, to softcore porn and semiconductors, it's always made a profit; but with one fell idiotic swoop, you've ruined it. I'm just glad your murdered parents...
Xander: My murdered parents wanted me to be happy!
[Quick shot of parents' pictures, with Awesome-X doll head]
Xander: And this can make me happy, Stan: [crying a little] fiscal sales of Awesome-X dolls.
Stan: No one is going to buy a superhero doll without a villain to fight.
Xander: Then I'm kind a loss, unless--[holds up Killface's postcard] what about this guy for the villain?
Stan: What? When did this get here?
Xander: Uhh... apparently, it's been here the whole time.

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