Dexter quotes

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Dexter: [voiceover] I always thought hardening arteries squeezed the life out of my father. But it was me. Harry gazed into the eyes of his creation and saw evil, pure and simple. My evil. It killed him.
Doakes: That shit about your father. You wanna talk about it?
Dexter: About what? That my life is one tragic mistake?
Doakes: We've all felt that at one time or another. I know I have.
Dexter: Did you happen to be stuffing a human leg into a garbage bag at that point?

Dexter: [voiceover] I refuse to believe that Vince Masuka is the man who single-handedly brings me down. I also know denial is the first stage of the grieving process for those who learn they're going to die.

Dexter: [voiceover] I remember when life was easy. When the only question I worried about was who's next. Now it's: How can I dodge my "protective detail"? What should I do with my "hostage"? These are not easy questions.

Dexter: [voiceover] I'm the helpful handyman. How evil can I possibly be?

Dexter: [voiceover] In our most paranoid moments, we fear that everyone is talking about us. That's become my reality.

Dexter: [voiceover] It was me. The idea of a code was one thing, a grand idea, a noble cause. But the reality of it ... Harry walked in on what he created. And he couldn't live with himself.
Doakes: What, Morgan? What now?
Dexter: I killed my father.

Dexter: [voiceover] It won't be long now. I can hang this on Doakes and then ... then what? Years of trials and appeals. With him pointing his finger and calling me killer. For such a neat monster I'm making an awfully big mess.

Dexter: [voiceover] It's strange to have a creation out there. A deeply mutated version of yourself, running loose and screwing everything up... I wonder if this is how parents feel.

Dexter: [voiceover] Lila almost had me believing it was possible. To change, to become something else � as if that ever really happens. I've always known what I am. [pulls on gloves] If the glove fits ...

Dexter: [voiceover] Not long ago I had a dream that people could see me for what I am. And for a brief instant in time, the world actually saw my bodies of work. Some even cheered. But as it turns out, nobody mourns the wicked. Sorry, James.

Dexter: [voiceover] Sleep, what a concept. I can't believe I actually contemplated turning myself in. This is so much better than a prison cell. I can squeeze fresh orange juice, savor a fine French roast, grab a morning workout. Okay, working out I could have done in prison. But still, I'm free.

Dexter: [voiceover] Taking a life is one thing, but the care and feeding of it is another. I can't keep my problem locked away in a cabin forever. Harry always said there were plenty of people who deserve to die. But no matter how hard I close my eyes and wish, Doakes isn't one of them.

Dexter: [voiceover] The full force of the FBI, that's the last thing I need. I've got to make sure Lundy gets his man, after I figure out a way to erase the marina files, and make up with my girlfriend, and then maybe I'll tackle world hunger because things can't really get much worse.

Dexter: [voiceover] When the Feds receive these kill tools with their suspect's prints on them, the only threat to me will be the inane rants of a murderous madman. So close I can feel it. This tragic tale might still end in Doakes' demise, but not by my hands. Harry's legacy will remain intact.

Dexter: Anything I can do to overburden Masuka is to my advantage. Trust me, I'm not above sending pizzas and hooker to his house in the middle of the night.