Butt-head: These dudes need to quit screwing around and get back to making sandwiches.
Beavis: But it is kind of a good song, like, if you kinda listen to it for a while, it is pretty cool.
Butt-head: Beavis, you bunghole! Quit talking about this video and do something funny again.
Beavis: Okay, check this out. [blows a huge raspberry]
Butt-head: That's not even funny, Beavis. You have to do it like this. [puts his finger between his lips and babbles] A-blblblblblblblblblbl.
Beavis: Oh yeah.
Butt-head: Now see, that's cool.
Beavis: Yeah, I see what you mean. Okay, check this out. [babbles] A-blblblblblblblblblbl.
Ween, Push the Little Daises

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