Beavis: How does he do that? How does he sing all high and stuff?
Butt-head: Uhh, I think if you snip your nads off, it'll make you sing high like this.
Beavis: Really? That's cool.
Butt-head: You should try it, Beavis.
Beavis:, I don't think so.
Butt-head: Why not? Have you ever used your nads for anything?
Beavis: Not really. No, I guess not.
Butt-head: Don't your nads just, like, get in the way all the time and hurt when they get kicked and stuff?
Beavis: Yeah, I guess so.
Butt-head: Then why not just cut 'em off and see what happens?
Beavis: Let me just wait a minute, because I might need 'em for doing it.
Butt-head: Beavis, that's what your wiener's for, you don't need your nads for that.
Beavis: Oh yeah. Are you trying to trick me, Butt-head?
Butt-head: No.
Beavis: Well, do you use your nads for anything?
Butt-head: No. [Beavis kicks Butt-head in the testicles] AAAAAAAAAUUUUHHHHHH!!! Damn it, Beavis.
Beavis: See? That's what nads are for. Bunghole.
Ween, I Can't Put My Finger On It

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