Butt-head: If they really had Satan on this song, it's like, you'd hear him talking backwards and stuff, because he can do that.
Beavis: Oh yeah. You know, I can talk backwards.
Butt-head: No you can't!
Beavis: Yes sir! Check this out. [backwards speech] Stnerap ruoy yebo. Loohcs ni yats.
Butt-head: Whoa! That was cool.
Beavis: Yeah, yeah.
Butt-head: Do it again, Beavis!
Beavis: Um, okay. Check this out. Okay, here goes. [backwards speech] Hguone si hguone. [normal speech] See? [backwards speech] Gniog ti s'woh yeh.
Butt-head: That was cool! So, like, what did you say just then?
Beavis: I said "Hey, how's it going?" You should try it.
Butt-head: Uhh, let me see. Uhh...Beavis is a wuss. Ah, I mean, uhh...wuss a is Beavis.
Beavis: Yeah, yeah, see? Anybody can do it. [backwards speech] Stnerap ruoy yebo dna loohcs ni yats.

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