Beavis: See, look! I think this dude's like, trying to catch this chick, and then, like, do experiments on her.
Butt-head: Oh yeah. That's like that movie we saw, where that dude had that chick in his basement, and he was gonna like, cut her skin off and stuff.
Beavis: See, that was a good movie. It's like, some of those movies, where it's like, "No way!"
Butt-head: Yeah. Like, remember that movie, The Right Stuff?
Beavis: Oh yeah.
Butt-head: That was stupid. That's never gonna happen.
Beavis: Yeah, really. That was dumb. Or like that movie, Alive?
Butt-head: Yeah. It's like, that was a good idea, but that would never happen.
Beavis: Yeah, like a plane would really crash like that.
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