Beavis: These dances are pretty cool.
Butt-head: Yeah, but they're too easy. Check this out. [the camera cuts back to them. Butt-head makes pelvic thrusts while Beavis punches and kicks in the air. Caption reads "The Dillhole"]
Beavis: That's cool. Remember this one? [the camera cuts back to them. Butt-head shakes his butt while Beavis jumps up and down with a gyrating motion. Caption reads "The Bunghole"]
Butt-head: Or how about this one? [the camera cuts back to them. Butthead jumps back and forth across the room while Beavis sways his arms. Caption reads "The Fartknocker Double Inverted Nad Twist"]
Beavis: Next time we go to a dance, I'm gonna pull down my pants and ask a chick to do the Gorilla.
Butt-head: Beavis, the only dance you know is the Monkey.
Beavis: Oh yeah. I'm gonna do the Monkey right now.
Silverchair, Tomorrow

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