Butt-head: Hey, that looks like that dude...uhh, he was on TV, and then they made cartoon out of him.
Beavis: Oh yeah. He's got that shirt, and then his hair's all in a point on the top of his head. Yeah, what's his name?
Butt-head: Uhh...yeah, what is his name?
Beavis: Dammit...he's always going, "I must say,"
Butt-head: And then he's always saying he's gonna be on Wheel of Fortune, and he's, like, all into Pat Sajak. Uhh, Wigley? Smegley?
Beavis: No, no. Dammit. What's his name? Dammit! This guy looks just like him. Dammit! I'm forgetting everything! I can't remember anything anymore! Hey Butt-head, try smacking me. But just once.
Butt-head: Uhh, sure. [slaps Beavis several times]
Beavis: AHH! OWW!! Um...Ed Grimley!
Butt-head: Oh yeah, that's the dude. I oughta hit you more often, Beavis.
Beavis: You hit me?
Butt-head: Yeah. [Beavis kicks Butt-head in the testicles] AAAAAHHHH!!!
Beavis: Bunghole! Don't ever hit me again!
Railroad Jerk, Rollerkoaster

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