Beavis: Whoa! Check it out, Butt-head! That's that guy from My Three Sons! That's Ernie from My Three Sons! See? Back in the doorway? That's him!
Butt-head: Oh yeah! That is him. Check this out. [Imitates Ernie] Hey Uncle Charley. Seems like a lot of work to me.
Beavis: [Also imitating Ernie] Hey Uncle Charley. I think I'll go put on a stupid dork outfit and go dance like a wuss for a while.
Butt-head: [Continuously imitating Ernie] Hey Uncle Charley. I think me and Chip are gonna dance around like a bunch of dorks.
Beavis: And then, like, Uncle Charley's like [Imitates Uncle Charley] Dammit Ernie, I'm trying to make a cake here! Will you get out of the kitchen and quit acting like a dork?!
Butt-head: [laughs] Yeah.
Beavis: Yeah. My three son-of-a-bitches.
Buster Poindexter, Zat You Santa Claus?

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