Butt-head: Church.
Beavis: Yeah, church rules! Cuz like, there's always, like, snakes in church, and like, chicks getting it on, and like, dude's bleeding, and lots of guitars and stuff. Church rules!
Butt-head: Beavis, what the hell are you talking about? That's not what happens in church! You've never even been to church.
Beavis: I know, but I've seen it in videos and stuff, and like, there's always lots of smoke and snakes, and like, cool stuff.
Butt-head: Beavis, church isn't like that. I went to church once, and it's like, there was a bunch of buttmunches strumming guitars going: "Here we are, all together as we sing our song joyfully!"
Beavis: Yeah? Well, that song's pretty cool.
Butt-head: No it's not, Beavis. It sucks! And then it's like, you have to go up and like, this guy puts a cracker in your mouth and like, sprays water on you and stuff.
Beavis: Really? Well that sounds cool too! Yeah.
Butt-head: Uh, yeah I guess it is kind of cool.
Beavis: Yeah, yeah, yeah, see, see? That's not that bad! "Here we are, alltogether as we sing our song..."
Beavis & Butt-head: "...joyfully! Keep the fire burning and kindle it with care. And we'll all join in and sing!"
Beavis: Yeah, sounds pretty cool!
Overkill, Hello From the Gutter

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