Butt-head: Don't worry, Beavis, be happy.
Beavis: Shut up, Butt-head! I'm not worried.
Butt-head: Oh yeah? Does this worry you? [smacks Beavis]
Beavis: AAH!! I'm gonna play drums on your nads with my foot!
Butt-head: I'd like to see you try, butt-knocker!
Beavis: Don't call me that, Butt-head! [kicks Butt-head in the testicles]
Butt-head: UUH! I'm gonna play drums on your face, buttknocker!
[The two continuously hit and yell at each other]
Butt-head: Okay, the fight's over! I won.
Beavis: No you didn't, Butt-head! I won.

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