Beavis: Whoa! I think he's saying "Get your gun."
Butt-head: Uh...I think this is one of those "Stop the violence" know, like enough is enough.
Beavis: You know, they really should um, stop the violence, because sometimes it hurts, you know? It's like, maybe you like, gave peace a chance, and like...[Butt-head smacks Beavis] OW! CUT IT OUT, BUTT-HEAD!
Butt-head: Shut up, Beavis! I'm trying to watch this! [Beavis kicks Butt-head in the testicles] UUHH! Dammit, Beavis!
Beavis: Dammit Butt-head! I'm just trying to say, you know, that if they stopped the violence...[Butt-head slaps Beavis again]
Butt-head: Now quit acting like a damn wuss, Beavis, or I'm gonna get medieval on your ass!
Marilyn Manson, Long Hard Road Out of Hell

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