Butt-head: Did you know that in California, any chick will do it with you?
Beavis: Really? You mean, like, all the girls are SLUTS?
Butt-head: Yep.
Beavis: Whoa, that is cool! Yeah, yeah, let's go!
Butt-head: You know, another thing about California, is that all the dudes there looks like Kato Kaelin.
Beavis: He seems like a great guy, you know?
Butt-head: Yeah. That's how come, you know, everyone just lets him live at their house, like OJ Simpson. He goes "You know, you're a great guy. Why don't you come on over and stay a while?"
Beavis: I'd let him crash here because, like, he's such a great guy.
Butt-head: Yeah. What a great guy.
Beavis: Except he kinda looks like the ass end of a dolphin.
Butt-head: Yeah, he does, sort of. But that's okay. Because he's cool.

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