Butt-head: If I was a clown, I'd make it so like my head would explode when you pull my finger, and all this crap would like fly out of my head and land on other people and stuff.
Beavis: Yeah. If I was a clown, I'd go to all the parties, and like eat all the cake, and take stuff home with me.
Butt-head: That's what you do at parties anyway, Beavis.
Beavis: Yeah, but then I'd be a clown, so I'd like have all these big shoes and stuff, so it'd be different.
Butt-head: If I was a clown, I'd kick your ass, Beavis, until it's beet red and I'd say, [Clown-like voice] "Look, kiddies! Look at his butt!"
Beavis: Yeah, and then I'd say, "Thanks for coming to the show. Hope you had a good time. See you next time."
Butt-head: Yeah. That would be cool.
Chris Isaak, Somebody's Crying

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