Beavis: Woah, check it out, someone's getting on a chair, Butt-head. Maybe there's gonna be a hanging.
Butt-head:'s just someone standing on a chair, Beavis. You automatically think someone's gonna hang themself?
Beavis: Uh, yeah, I guess I'm just uh...WOAH! I just saw a boob, Butt-head. Check it out!
Butt-head: You always think you're seeing a boob like that, it's probably just an elbow or something.
Beavis: No way Butt-head, it was a boob.
Butt-head: Well so what, you only saw it for like a second or something, what's so great about that?
Beavis: Um, a second is better than nothing.
Butt-head: No it isn't. It sucks.
Beavis: Damnit Butt-head, why do you always have to tear down everything good in my life!?
Butt-head: 'Cause your life sucks, Beavis. Your life sucks and nobody likes you.
Beavis: Really? Heh, I don't really give a crap.
Butt-head: [half laughing] You don't have any friends.
Beavis: I have a special little friend. Boi-oi-oing.
Butt-head: Yeah, shut up Beavis. Your special friend probably hates you too.
Beavis: No way Butt-head, you wish.

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