Butt-head: Uhh...I think that's supposed to be Wolverine.
Beavis: That's not Wolverine. No, that's not Wolverine.
Butt-head: I know, but like, you know, in England they probably, like, draw him different, because they're dumb.
Beavis: No. That's not Wolverine.
Butt-head: Yeah it is, but he's just like, you know, a little different than the American Wolverine.
Beavis: That is not Wolverine, Butt-head.
Butt-head: Okay, okay, buttmunch, it's not Wolverine! Who cares? Now just shut the hell up so at least I can have a good time watching this crap!
Beavis: Well, how can you have a good time, if it's not really Wolverine, and you think it is...
Butt-head: Dammit Beavis, shut up!
Grim Reaper, Rock You to Hell [laughter can be heard]

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