Beavis: We oughta try, like, picking up a chick in the laundromat.
Butt-head: Uhh, why?
Beavis: Because, like, you could look at their underwear and say, "So, I bet that underwear was on your butt." You know what I mean?
Butt-head: That's pretty cool. Or you could go up to one, and say "So I see you wear underwear. I wear underwear too. Wanna do it?"
Beavis: Yeah, yeah, that's even better! And then you can say "Since you're already doing a load...", heh, load..."Since you're doing a load, why don't you do my underwear too?" And then you can, like, pull down your pants, and then you already have your pants off. So you're already halfway there.
Butt-head: And then your underwear would be in there with her's.
Beavis: I'm ready for love.
John Fogerty, Old Man Down the Road

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