Beavis: Oh no. This video freaks me out. It's like, you know, I get all excited when I see the chicks, but then I see these stubby dudes, and it, like...makes my testes retract into my globules.
Butt-head: Yeah. It gives me a special feeling in my seminefrious tubules.
Beavis: I wanna do every single girl in this video.
Butt-head: Uhh, you wanna do, like, every girl in every video, Beavis.
Beavis: No. Not really.
Butt-head: Uhh, name one girl in a video that you wouldn't wanna do.
Beavis: Let me think...oh, I know. Um, there's that one video, you know, where they're like, "Been Caught Stealing", and um...there's that one girl and she's, like, you know, stuffing fruit and stuff down her shirt. I don't wanna do her.
Butt-head: Uhh...that's a dude dressed up like a girl, Beavis. That doesn't count.
Beavis: Oh. Uh, let me think..."Wilson Phillips"...uh, no, yes I'd do her...ah, oh, Boy, maybe you're right. I just wanna make love to all the women of the world.
Butt-head: Me too.
Deus, Suds and Soda [a violin that sounds like a siren is used throughout the whole song]

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