Butt-head: Uh...doesn't your mom watch Montel Williams?
Beavis: Yeah, she watches Montel Williams, The Jerry Springer Show, Jane Whitney...she watches all of them. She's always like, "I should be on one of those shows, Beavis!" [makes drunken sound]
Butt-head: Yeah, but like, what would be the topic?
Beavis: Um...I don't know.
Butt-head: It would be like, "I'm a slut and my son's a dumbass." Next on Montel Williams.
Beavis: Yeah, that's a good one, Butt-head! That way, we could both be on it. That would rule!
Butt-head: You dumbass.
The Clash, Should I Stay or Should I Go

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