Butt-head: This guy keeps saying "I wanna destroy you."
Beavis: Yeah, they got some pretty good lyrics, you know? Seems like it must be pretty hard to come up with stuff like that.
Butt-head: Uh, but you know, I bet if I was making as much money as these guys probably make, I bet I could do it too.
Beavis: Uh... I don't know, Butt-head. I don't know, I mean... you're kinda stupid.
Butt-head: Shut up, Beavis! I could come up with stuff like this.
Beavis: OK, let's see you write a song. Come on!
Butt-head: Uh... OK. Uh, let's see. Uh...I wanna hit you.
Beavis: Uh-huh.
Butt-head: Then I wanna kick you. Then I wanna smack you across the face. Uh... then I want some nachos... baby.
Beavis: Whoa! That's pretty good, Butt-head! We should start a band.
Butt-head: Yeah!
Beavis: That'd be cool.
CIV, Can't Wait One Minute More

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