Butt-head: Oh no, what is this crap?
Beavis: Yeah, why is she just sitting there?
Butt-head: Yeah. Get up!
Beavis: Just like, just stand up and get out of there.
Butt-head: I wish she would stand up and leave.
Beavis: And I wish the music would stop too.
Butt-head: Yeah. Just because we have to sit through this crap doesn't mean she can too!
[Glitter begins to fall on her]
Beavis: Hey look, Butt-head! They're throwing a bunch of crap on her!
Butt-head: Yeah! And she still won't get up.
Beavis: Maybe she's inside one of those things, you know like when you shake it and there's a snowman in it and stuff comes down?
Butt-head: Oh yeah. I like to break those.
Beavis: Yeah. Me too. I like to break just about anything.

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