Butt-head: [scoffing] Bon Jovi.
Beavis: But you know, this song, it's kind of, um...uh...never mind.
Butt-head: Uhh, what?
Beavis: Well, I was just gonna say, you know, this song, I mean...you know, it sucks, but there's this one part that I kinda like where it kinda goes [sings] "Give me something for the pain..."
Butt-head: Uhh, what did you say, Beavis?
Beavis: Well, no, I'm just saying...you know, I kinda like this one part of the song where it goes [sings] "Give me something for the pain..." [Butt-head slaps Beavis multiple times] Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Cut it out, bunghole!
Butt-head: I'm doing it for your own good, Beavis. You were starting to like this song.
Beavis: Well, no, I mean, I still think Bon Jovi sucks, but I just kinda think this song, you know, it kind of, um...there's just this one part that kind of, like...[Butt-head repeatedly slaps Beavis again]
Butt-head: If you say one more good thing about Bon Jovi, I'm gonna really smack the bejesus out of you.
Beavis: Okay, so it sucks. But it doesn't suck as much as...[Butt-head repeatedly slaps Beavis again] Cut it out! Damn it, Butt-head! Bon Jovi rules! [kicks Butt-head in the testicles] Bunghole!
Butt-head: Dammit, Beavis!
Beavis: Take that! Yeah, I like this song.
Butt-head: This sucks. And as soon as my nads feel better, I'm gonna beat the living crap outta you. [Beavis kicks him in the testicles again] AAAAHHH!!!
Beavis: You can't tell me what sucks! I like this, so blow it up your ass!
Edie Brickell & New Bohemians, What I Am

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