Butt-head: This is that, Bee-ork chick...
Beavis: I heard she has a, you know, like, a schlong.
Butt-head: Where did you hear that?
Beavis: This guy told me.
Butt-head: What guy?
Beavis: This guy in the bathroom.
Butt-head: You mean in the bathroom at school?
Beavis: No, the bathroom right here. Right here in this house.
Butt-head: What are you talking about, Beavis?
Beavis: There's this dude who's in there sometimes. I'm serious. He's probably still there, he was there this morning.
Butt-head: Damn it Beavis. There's no one in there.
Beavis: Yes there is, Butt-head. Go check it out.
Butt-head: Beavis, you're a bunghole. [exits. the sound of a door opening can be heard] Uhh...Beavis, flush the toilet next time! [re-enters] There wasn't anybody in there.
Beavis: Hm. Usually he's in the mirror.
Butt-head: Uhh...does he look like a buttmunch?
Beavis: Um...yeah.
Butt-head: Does he have like blond hair?
Beavis: Yeah, yeah, that's him. Yeah.
Butt-head: And does he kinda talk like this? [does a bad impression of Beavis] "Oh yeah, uh huh huh huh."
Beavis: Yeah, yeah! Kinda like that. "Yeah, yeah, björk has a dong".
Butt-head: Dumbass.
Björk, Big Time Sensuality

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