Butt-head: Cool! Skulls!
Beavis: Yeah! Skulls kick ass.
Butt-head: That guy looks pretty cool.
Beavis: Yeah. He looks cool because he's like, dead.
Butt-head: It's like, this video looks pretty cool, but the sound sucks.
Beavis: Yeah. Check this out, Butt-head. [Beavis turns the volume all the way down]
Butt-head: Whoa! That's better. [Starts humming metal music]
Beavis: [Singing along] I'm a zombie/I'm a dead guy/I like to eat people's brains/and um, and like, look at my eyeballs/and I'm a dead guy in a corner/and I'm a zombie."
Butt-head: That was pretty good, Beavis! You should like, be a lead singer.
Beavis: Yeah! All I need is clown makeup.
Butt-head: I bet if we like, did that over this video, it would be like, a buzzclip.
Beavis: Yeah. We're cool.
Tori Amos, Crucify

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