Beavis: Hey Butt-head, are they dead?
Butt-head: Uh, I think we got 'em, dude.
[Beavis suddenly starts scratching his scrotum]
Beavis: Um....wait a minute. Dammit. I think I got some more bugs on my nads.
Butt-head: Uh, how'd they get there, Beavis?
Beavis: I don't know. Dammit!
Butt-head: Maybe you should stick your weiner in the bug zapper!
Beavis: Yeah, yeah! That's a really good idea, Butt-head! [pulls bug zapper down to his crotch area] Let me just get this down here, here we go... [unzips his pants, and offscreen, follows Butt-head's advice. Electricity crackles and Beavis screams]
Butt-head [chuckling]: Dumbass!

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