Butt-head: Turn on the lights, buttknocker. I can't see anything!
Beavis: [Angrily] Stop calling me "buttknocker"!
Butt-head: Beavis, you buttmunch, turn on the light before I kick your ass!
Beavis: [Calmly] Okay. That's better. [Switches the lamp on]
Butt-head: [Scoping the living room, which resembles their own living room] This is cool... So,uh... where do you think he killed him?
Beavis: Hmm, let's see. It looks like he fell. I'd have to say he died right about here. [Points to an outline of the victim's lying position] Yeah, yeah.
Butt-head: Oh, yeah.
Beavis: Whoa! [Walks toward tire iron] Check out this thing. [Picks up tire iron] I bet he hit him with this.
Butt-head: Don't be stupid, Beavis. That's for, like, changing tires and stuff.
Beavis: Oh, yeah. [Throws tire iron right next to the lamp table] Whoa. [Spots a TV remote and picks it up] Hey, I got the remote. Let's see what's on TV.
Butt-head: Beavis, I told you I wasn't gonna let you touch the remote anymore. [Makes an unsuccessful grab for the remote] Now, give me that, buttknocker!
Beavis: No way, and stop calling me "buttknocker"!
Butt-head: [Climbs toward Beavis] Give it here, before I kick your buttknockering ass! [Manages to grip the remote with Beavis still holding it, before they drop it on the floor]
Beavis: Stop calling me that, Butt-head! [Punches Butt-head twice in the stomach] Stop it!
Butt-head: [Knees Beavis in the groin] Buttknocker!
Beavis: Shut up, Butt-head! Shut up!! [Growls uncontrollably, Beavis and Butt-head fall behind couch] I'm gonna kill you, Butt-head!! I swear to God, I'm gonna kill you!!!
Butt-head: [knocks lamp over] Oh, yeah? [Throws punch at Beavis, most likely his head] You and what other buttknockers?
Beavis: [Beavis and Butt-head fall on the couch, then the floor] Shut up, Butt-head!!
Butt-head: Buttknocker...
Beavis: SHUT UP!
Butt-head: Buttknocker...
Beavis: STOP IT!
Butt-head: Buttknocker...
Beavis: I'LL KILL YOU!!!
Police Lieutenant: [Barges in] GET HIM!
Beavis: YOU SON OF A BITCH!! [Growls uncontrollably, then gets apprehended by the officers] Come on! Let me go! I'm gonna kill Butt-head! I'm gonna kill him! [Growls uncontrollably]
Butt-head: [Watches as Beavis is taken away] That was cool. [Laughs in lower pitch than normal] Uh huh huh huh.

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