Butt-head: He wants what's in your pocket.
Beavis: He's a pocket fisherman.
Mr. Candy: Oh no, you're not gonna pull that on me again! It took me six months to get another job. [Grabs Beavis] Now give me the rest of the money, you little twerp!
Beavis: Ahhh! He's trying to touch my wiener! Let go, pervert!
Butt-head: Kick him in the nads, Beavis!
Mr. Candy [Grabs Butt-head as well]: You too, you little farter!
[Buzzcut comes in]
Buzzcut: What in the hell are you doing?! This is my class, I do the ass-kicking around here!
Mr. Candy: Wait your turn, Jarhead! [slaps him, Buzzcut's face turns red, and becomes furious]
Buzzcut: You just made a fatal mistake, Mr. Candyass! I hope you're familiar with some hand to hand combat techniques!
Mr. Candy: Oh, you're going down, soldier boy! [tries to hit him, but Buzzcut brutally kicks him in the head]
Beavis: Kick 'em, kick 'em!
Butt-head: Kick 'em in the butt.
Beavis: Kick 'em in the nads!

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