Beavis: Hey Butt-head, someone like, stole our women!
Butt-head: That sucks.
Beavis: Yeah! It doesn't just suck, Butt-head, it like ahhh, REALLY sucks! We're never gonna score! We're gonna be wussies! Forever!
Butt-head: Settle down, Beavis!
Beavis: No, I can't settle down! We're NEVER gonna score! We'll get cars and like, we'll get jobs, and we'll have to like, mow lawns and scrub the grill, but we're never gonna score EVER! It's gonna suck!
Bouncer: Hey, I warned you to be quiet! Don't make me come up there!
Beavis: Shut up, asswipe! You probably score! And you're a dork! I'm NEVER gonna score! I'M NEVER GONNA SCORE! IT'S GONNA SUCK! AHHHHHHHHH! AAAHHHHHHH! AHHHHHH!

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