Battlestar Galactica (2003) quotes
290 total quotes[Six is talking to the original Galactica-Sharon about Baltar's house.]
Caprica-Six: I always loved the view. Sunlight on the water. It's my favorite spot in the universe.
Virtual Baltar: Yeah, it's magical. Too bad you nuked it.
Caprica-Six: I always loved the view. Sunlight on the water. It's my favorite spot in the universe.
Virtual Baltar: Yeah, it's magical. Too bad you nuked it.
[Starbuck and Helo are walking the streets on Caprica.]
Starbuck: It's not exactly what I expected. I thought I'd be stepping over decaying corpses in the streets.
Helo: Yeah, we saw a few bodies here and there. Not much though. Sharon said..[Starbuck glares at him.] Cylon Sharon said they had troops picking up the bodies transporting them to mass incinerators.
Starbuck: Your girlfriend's from a lovely family. Good people, great values.
Starbuck: It's not exactly what I expected. I thought I'd be stepping over decaying corpses in the streets.
Helo: Yeah, we saw a few bodies here and there. Not much though. Sharon said..[Starbuck glares at him.] Cylon Sharon said they had troops picking up the bodies transporting them to mass incinerators.
Starbuck: Your girlfriend's from a lovely family. Good people, great values.
[Starbuck and Leoben just found a crashed Viper, where she sees a corpse looking like her]
Starbuck: If you've got an explanation for this, now's the time.
Leoben: I don't have one. I was wrong...about Earth.
Kara: Your Hybrid told me something. Said that I was the harbinger of death, that I would lead us all to our end.
Leoben: She told you that? [Leoben runs away]
Starbuck: Is it true? Is it true? If that's me lying there, then what am I?? What am I?! What am I?
Starbuck: If you've got an explanation for this, now's the time.
Leoben: I don't have one. I was wrong...about Earth.
Kara: Your Hybrid told me something. Said that I was the harbinger of death, that I would lead us all to our end.
Leoben: She told you that? [Leoben runs away]
Starbuck: Is it true? Is it true? If that's me lying there, then what am I?? What am I?! What am I?
[Starbuck interrogates a captured Cylon infiltrator]
Starbuck: Now, if you were human, you'd be just about ready to start offering up some false information about the location of the nuke. Some tiny thing that might get you a reward and maybe spare you a few minutes of this. But then I keep forgetting, you're not human. You're a machine.
Number Two/Leoben Conoy: I am more than you could ever imagine. I am God.
Starbuck: [stifles laugh] I'm sorry, you're God? Wow... nice to meet ya. That's good, that's good. We'll give you a couple of minutes for that.
Leoben: It's funny, isn't it? We're all God, Starbuck. All of us. I see the love that binds all living things together.
Starbuck: Love? You don't even know what the word means.
Leoben: I know that God loved you more than all other living creatures and you repaid His divine love with sin, with hate, corruption, evil. So then He decided to create the Cylons.
Starbuck: The gods had nothing to do with it. We created you. Us. It was a stupid, frakked-up decision, and we have paid for it. You slaughtered my entire civilization. That is sin. That is evil. And you are evil.
Leoben: Am I? I see the truths that float past you in the stream.
Starbuck: Now, if you were human, you'd be just about ready to start offering up some false information about the location of the nuke. Some tiny thing that might get you a reward and maybe spare you a few minutes of this. But then I keep forgetting, you're not human. You're a machine.
Number Two/Leoben Conoy: I am more than you could ever imagine. I am God.
Starbuck: [stifles laugh] I'm sorry, you're God? Wow... nice to meet ya. That's good, that's good. We'll give you a couple of minutes for that.
Leoben: It's funny, isn't it? We're all God, Starbuck. All of us. I see the love that binds all living things together.
Starbuck: Love? You don't even know what the word means.
Leoben: I know that God loved you more than all other living creatures and you repaid His divine love with sin, with hate, corruption, evil. So then He decided to create the Cylons.
Starbuck: The gods had nothing to do with it. We created you. Us. It was a stupid, frakked-up decision, and we have paid for it. You slaughtered my entire civilization. That is sin. That is evil. And you are evil.
Leoben: Am I? I see the truths that float past you in the stream.
[Starbuck shoots a Marine just before he can execute Lee Adama]
Kara "Starbuck" Thrace: Take it from someone who died once: it's no fun. Let him go.
Hamish "Skulls" McCall: Frak you.
Starbuck: [shoots McCall and draws a second gun]I can do this all day. Who's next? Racetrack? Conner?
Kara "Starbuck" Thrace: Take it from someone who died once: it's no fun. Let him go.
Hamish "Skulls" McCall: Frak you.
Starbuck: [shoots McCall and draws a second gun]I can do this all day. Who's next? Racetrack? Conner?
[The closing voice-over narration to D'anna Biers' documentary on the Battlestar Galactica, which runs over a montage of images from the ship. The Colonial Anthem tinkles in the background and gradually builds to up to a grand swell.]
Biers: I came to Galactica to tell a story. In all honesty I thought I knew what that story was before I ever set foot there: how an arrogant military let their egos get in the way of doing their jobs, safeguarding the lives of the civilian population. But I found out that the truth was more complex than that. These people aren't Cylons. They're not robots blindly following orders and polishing their boots. They're people. Deeply flawed, yes, but deeply human too, and maybe that's saying the same thing. What struck me most is that despite it all - the hardships, the stress, the ever present danger of being killed - despite all that, they never give up. They never lie down in the road and let the truck run them over. They wake up in the morning, put on their uniforms and do their jobs. Every day. No pay, no rest, no hope of ever laying down the burden or letting someone else do the job. There are no relief troops coming, no Colonial Fleet training new recruits every day. The people on Galactica are it. They are the thin line of blue that separates us from the Cylons. Lt. Gaeta told me a remarkable statistic; not a single member of Galactica's crew has asked to resign, not one. Think about that. If you wore the uniform wouldn't you want to quit? To step aside and say "enough! Let someone else protect the fleet"? I know I would. But then, I don't wear a uniform. Most of us don't, most of us never will. The story of Galactica isn't that people make bad decisions under pressure, it's that those mistakes are the exception. Most of the time the men and women serving under Commander Adama get it right. The proof is that our fleet survives. And with Galactica at our side, we will endure. This is D'anna Biers, Fleet News Service.
Biers: I came to Galactica to tell a story. In all honesty I thought I knew what that story was before I ever set foot there: how an arrogant military let their egos get in the way of doing their jobs, safeguarding the lives of the civilian population. But I found out that the truth was more complex than that. These people aren't Cylons. They're not robots blindly following orders and polishing their boots. They're people. Deeply flawed, yes, but deeply human too, and maybe that's saying the same thing. What struck me most is that despite it all - the hardships, the stress, the ever present danger of being killed - despite all that, they never give up. They never lie down in the road and let the truck run them over. They wake up in the morning, put on their uniforms and do their jobs. Every day. No pay, no rest, no hope of ever laying down the burden or letting someone else do the job. There are no relief troops coming, no Colonial Fleet training new recruits every day. The people on Galactica are it. They are the thin line of blue that separates us from the Cylons. Lt. Gaeta told me a remarkable statistic; not a single member of Galactica's crew has asked to resign, not one. Think about that. If you wore the uniform wouldn't you want to quit? To step aside and say "enough! Let someone else protect the fleet"? I know I would. But then, I don't wear a uniform. Most of us don't, most of us never will. The story of Galactica isn't that people make bad decisions under pressure, it's that those mistakes are the exception. Most of the time the men and women serving under Commander Adama get it right. The proof is that our fleet survives. And with Galactica at our side, we will endure. This is D'anna Biers, Fleet News Service.
[The first Hybrid and Shaw, just before Shaw detonates the nuclear warhead]
The first Hybrid: As my own existence comes to a close, only to begin anew, in ways uncertain.
Shaw: You're scared, aren't you, mother-frakker? You should be.
The first Hybrid: All this has happened before, and it will happen again...again...again...again...again...again...again...again...again
The first Hybrid: As my own existence comes to a close, only to begin anew, in ways uncertain.
Shaw: You're scared, aren't you, mother-frakker? You should be.
The first Hybrid: All this has happened before, and it will happen again...again...again...again...again...again...again...again...again
[The Galactica is about to jump to The Colony]
Adama: Just so there'll be no misunderstandings later... Galactica has seen a lot of history, gone through a lot of battles. This will be her last. She will not fail us if we do not fail her. If we succeed in our mission, Galactica will bring us home. If we don't... it doesn't matter anyway. Action stations!
Adama: Just so there'll be no misunderstandings later... Galactica has seen a lot of history, gone through a lot of battles. This will be her last. She will not fail us if we do not fail her. If we succeed in our mission, Galactica will bring us home. If we don't... it doesn't matter anyway. Action stations!
[The Galactica is preparing to jump to New Caprica and begin the rescue]
Adama: This is the Admiral. You've heard the news, you know the mission. You should also know there is only one way that this mission ends: and that's with the successful rescue of our people, off of New Caprica. Look around you. Take a good look at the men and women that stand next to you. Remember their faces, for one day you will tell your children and your grandchildren that you served with such men and women as the universe has never seen. And together, you'll accomplish the feat that will be told and retold down through the ages, and find immortality as only the gods once knew. I'm proud to serve with you. Good hunting.
Adama: This is the Admiral. You've heard the news, you know the mission. You should also know there is only one way that this mission ends: and that's with the successful rescue of our people, off of New Caprica. Look around you. Take a good look at the men and women that stand next to you. Remember their faces, for one day you will tell your children and your grandchildren that you served with such men and women as the universe has never seen. And together, you'll accomplish the feat that will be told and retold down through the ages, and find immortality as only the gods once knew. I'm proud to serve with you. Good hunting.
[The humans and Cylons stand on the irradiated soil of a desolate, deserted beach, right next to a ruined city]
Roslin: [bitterly] Earth.
Roslin: [bitterly] Earth.
[Tigh comes to Adama's quarters just before the extremely risky attempt to rescue the Baseship hostages begins]
Colonel Saul Tigh: Bill, you gotta scrub this mission.
Admiral William Adama: What the hell are you doing here? You're supposed to be in the CIC.
Tigh: The Cylons will kill every godsdamn hostage before we put one pair of boots aboard their ship. Laura Roslin will be the next to die, Bill.
Adama: I'm looking for options. You got one?
Tigh: Yeah. I should've told you when I first found out, but I didn't have the guts.
Adama: What's wrong with you, Saul?
Tigh: You remember back at the nebula when I told you about that frakking music? I thought it was in the ship. I was wrong. It was a signal. Some kind of crazy, frakked-up Cylon signal switched me on. I can't turn it off.
Adama: [not wanting to understand] Switched you on.
Tigh: Like Boomer. I'm one of the Five.
Adama: The Five.
Tigh: One of the Cylons D'Anna's after.
Adama: [rising from his desk] Quit frakking with me. Colonel, I've known you for 30 years. When I met you, you had hair. I've never heard of a Cylon aging.
Tigh: Doesn't mean they don't. Before the attack on the Colonies, we didn't know the skinjobs existed. Turns out there's another kind of Cylon we didn't know about, and I'm one of them.
Adama: [desperate] On New Caprica, you were in captivity. They did something to you, they... An implant, a post-hypnotic suggestion that makes you feel this way. Let's go talk to Doc Cottle...
Tigh: [grabs Adama by the shoulders] Listen to me! It is not a delusion. It is not a chip in my head. I am a Cylon. I've fooled you for months now. I didn't want to, but I did.
Adama: Get your hands off of me.
Tigh: [releasing him] If I'd had the guts to airlock myself when I first found out, we wouldn't be in this mess. But that's the way out. Not this suicidal attack. I am one of the Final Five. D'Anna will back down if you threaten to flush me out an airlock.
Colonel Saul Tigh: Bill, you gotta scrub this mission.
Admiral William Adama: What the hell are you doing here? You're supposed to be in the CIC.
Tigh: The Cylons will kill every godsdamn hostage before we put one pair of boots aboard their ship. Laura Roslin will be the next to die, Bill.
Adama: I'm looking for options. You got one?
Tigh: Yeah. I should've told you when I first found out, but I didn't have the guts.
Adama: What's wrong with you, Saul?
Tigh: You remember back at the nebula when I told you about that frakking music? I thought it was in the ship. I was wrong. It was a signal. Some kind of crazy, frakked-up Cylon signal switched me on. I can't turn it off.
Adama: [not wanting to understand] Switched you on.
Tigh: Like Boomer. I'm one of the Five.
Adama: The Five.
Tigh: One of the Cylons D'Anna's after.
Adama: [rising from his desk] Quit frakking with me. Colonel, I've known you for 30 years. When I met you, you had hair. I've never heard of a Cylon aging.
Tigh: Doesn't mean they don't. Before the attack on the Colonies, we didn't know the skinjobs existed. Turns out there's another kind of Cylon we didn't know about, and I'm one of them.
Adama: [desperate] On New Caprica, you were in captivity. They did something to you, they... An implant, a post-hypnotic suggestion that makes you feel this way. Let's go talk to Doc Cottle...
Tigh: [grabs Adama by the shoulders] Listen to me! It is not a delusion. It is not a chip in my head. I am a Cylon. I've fooled you for months now. I didn't want to, but I did.
Adama: Get your hands off of me.
Tigh: [releasing him] If I'd had the guts to airlock myself when I first found out, we wouldn't be in this mess. But that's the way out. Not this suicidal attack. I am one of the Final Five. D'Anna will back down if you threaten to flush me out an airlock.
[Tigh walks into the tool closet on the hanger deck and discovers Tyrol making homebrew]
Tigh: What's this, Chief?
Tyrol: I'm making solvent, sir, to clean machine parts.
Tigh: Solvent my ass. I know a still when I smell it.
Tigh: What's this, Chief?
Tyrol: I'm making solvent, sir, to clean machine parts.
Tigh: Solvent my ass. I know a still when I smell it.
[Tough-Six and Galactica-Cavil drunkenly lament on the failure of the Cylons to destroy the Fleet]
Number Six: You want a progress report? I'll give you a frakkin' progress report.
Galactica-Cavil: Oh, no. Please don't. Please don't.
Number Six: Oh, come on, it is spectacular. Doral blew himself up, causing minor damage to a minor hallway. And Boomer jettisoned the water, and then, she personally found loads more water. [Laughs] And then she shot Adama, but not very accurately, since she loved him. And then, Leoben, he got obsessed with Kara Thrace, and then was captured and airlocked. And my sister Six utterly failed to discredit Baltar and his dreamy hair and destroyed our frakkin' cover in the process. And now Simon...Simon killed himself, really killed himself, out of resurrection range, without blowing up the ship that he lived on because he couldn't imagine life without his little human wife and his little human daughter because he loves them...
Galactica-Cavil: Stop, stop, stop.
Number Six: Guess I'd better.
Galactica-Cavil: Yes. They're all letting me down.
Number Six: Why are they letting you down, One? What's the x-factor? [She takes the bottle] You can't declare war on love. [She leaves]
Galactica-Cavil: I think I already did. Hey, where'd the bottle go?
Number Six: You want a progress report? I'll give you a frakkin' progress report.
Galactica-Cavil: Oh, no. Please don't. Please don't.
Number Six: Oh, come on, it is spectacular. Doral blew himself up, causing minor damage to a minor hallway. And Boomer jettisoned the water, and then, she personally found loads more water. [Laughs] And then she shot Adama, but not very accurately, since she loved him. And then, Leoben, he got obsessed with Kara Thrace, and then was captured and airlocked. And my sister Six utterly failed to discredit Baltar and his dreamy hair and destroyed our frakkin' cover in the process. And now Simon...Simon killed himself, really killed himself, out of resurrection range, without blowing up the ship that he lived on because he couldn't imagine life without his little human wife and his little human daughter because he loves them...
Galactica-Cavil: Stop, stop, stop.
Number Six: Guess I'd better.
Galactica-Cavil: Yes. They're all letting me down.
Number Six: Why are they letting you down, One? What's the x-factor? [She takes the bottle] You can't declare war on love. [She leaves]
Galactica-Cavil: I think I already did. Hey, where'd the bottle go?
[Tyrol, Tigh, Anders, and Tory are all hearing a strange music and begin putting lyrics to it]
Galen Tyrol: There must be some kind of way out of here.
Saul Tigh: Said the Joker to the thief.
Samuel Anders: There's too much confusion here.
Tory Forster: I can't get no relief.
Galen Tyrol: There must be some kind of way out of here.
Saul Tigh: Said the Joker to the thief.
Samuel Anders: There's too much confusion here.
Tory Forster: I can't get no relief.
[Tyrol, under suspicion because of his relationship with sleeper Cylon Boomer, is interrogated by Tigh]
Colonel Saul Tigh: You're sweating.
Senior Chief Petty Officer Galen Tyrol: It's hot in here.
Tigh: How long have you known that Lieutenant Valerii was planning to assassinate Commander Adama?
Tyrol: I had no idea she was planning anything of the kind.
Tigh: [reaching for a flask in his boot] You were frakking her.
Tyrol: I ended that weeks ago, on your orders-
Tigh: You covered for her, you lied for her...
Tyrol: I admit, I used bad judgment-
Tigh: protected her at every turn...
Tyrol: Colonel, I had no idea she was a Cylon! [sees that Tigh clearly disbelieves him] I would like to exercise my Article 21 rights at this time.
Tigh: [chuckles darkly] I'm sure you would. I guess you haven't heard: Cylons don't have rights.
Tyrol: (surprised) Cylon?! Wait a minute-!
Tigh: You know what we do with Cylons, Chief?
Tyrol: I'm not a Cylon!
Tigh: Roslin came up with the execution method.
Tyrol: I'm Galen Tyrol!
Tigh: She put a Cylon out of the airlock.
Tyrol: My father was a priest! My mother was an oracle! I've served on Battlestars since I was eighteen years old! Pegasus, Columbia, Atlantia, Galac-
[Tigh backhands Tyrol, sending him to the floor]
Tigh: [shouting] Don't talk to me like you're a soldier! You are not a soldier! [more quietly] The old man always had a soft spot for you. Let him decide what to do with you.
Tyrol: Colonel, you've gotta believe me. I'm not a Cylon. I'd never do anything to hurt Adama. I love the old man!
Tigh: That's what your girlfriend said. [to the nearby guard] Get him the hell out of here!
Colonel Saul Tigh: You're sweating.
Senior Chief Petty Officer Galen Tyrol: It's hot in here.
Tigh: How long have you known that Lieutenant Valerii was planning to assassinate Commander Adama?
Tyrol: I had no idea she was planning anything of the kind.
Tigh: [reaching for a flask in his boot] You were frakking her.
Tyrol: I ended that weeks ago, on your orders-
Tigh: You covered for her, you lied for her...
Tyrol: I admit, I used bad judgment-
Tigh: protected her at every turn...
Tyrol: Colonel, I had no idea she was a Cylon! [sees that Tigh clearly disbelieves him] I would like to exercise my Article 21 rights at this time.
Tigh: [chuckles darkly] I'm sure you would. I guess you haven't heard: Cylons don't have rights.
Tyrol: (surprised) Cylon?! Wait a minute-!
Tigh: You know what we do with Cylons, Chief?
Tyrol: I'm not a Cylon!
Tigh: Roslin came up with the execution method.
Tyrol: I'm Galen Tyrol!
Tigh: She put a Cylon out of the airlock.
Tyrol: My father was a priest! My mother was an oracle! I've served on Battlestars since I was eighteen years old! Pegasus, Columbia, Atlantia, Galac-
[Tigh backhands Tyrol, sending him to the floor]
Tigh: [shouting] Don't talk to me like you're a soldier! You are not a soldier! [more quietly] The old man always had a soft spot for you. Let him decide what to do with you.
Tyrol: Colonel, you've gotta believe me. I'm not a Cylon. I'd never do anything to hurt Adama. I love the old man!
Tigh: That's what your girlfriend said. [to the nearby guard] Get him the hell out of here!