[The first Hybrid and Shaw, just before Shaw detonates the nuclear warhead]
The first Hybrid: As my own existence comes to a close, only to begin anew, in ways uncertain.
Shaw: You're scared, aren't you, mother-frakker? You should be.
The first Hybrid: All this has happened before, and it will happen again...again...again...again...again...again...again...again...again
The first Hybrid: As my own existence comes to a close, only to begin anew, in ways uncertain.
Shaw: You're scared, aren't you, mother-frakker? You should be.
The first Hybrid: All this has happened before, and it will happen again...again...again...again...again...again...again...again...again
[The first Hybrid and Shaw, just before Shaw detonates the nuclear warhead]
The first Hybrid : As my own existence comes to a close, only to begin anew, in ways uncertain.
Shaw : You're scared, aren't you, mother-frakker? You should be.
The first Hybrid : All this has happened before, and it will happen again...again...again...again...again...again...again...again...again